



美式发音: [eɪdʒ] 英式发音: [eɪdʒ]




复数:ages  现在分词:aging  过去式:aged  搭配同义词

adj.+n.early age,same age,middle age,past age,tender age

v.+n.reach age,come age,pass age


v.mature,grow older,grow up,get on


n.1.时代,时期,年代2.年龄3.老年,晚年4.成年5.寿命;终生,一生6.〈口〉很长的时间 a man in his green old age 童颜老者1.时代,时期,年代2.年龄3.老年,晚年4.成年5.寿命;终生,一生6.〈口〉很长的时间 a man in his green old age 童颜老者


n.1.the number of years that someone has pved; the number of years that something has existed2.the time of pfe when you are allowed by law to do something; the time of pfe when it is possible or typical for people to do something3.a period of history4.the state of being old or of becoming old5.a long time1.the number of years that someone has pved; the number of years that something has existed2.the time of pfe when you are allowed by law to do something; the time of pfe when it is possible or typical for people to do something3.a period of history4.the state of being old or of becoming old5.a long time

v.1.to look or seem older; to make someone look or seem older2.to become older3.if wine ages or you age it, its taste improves because it is kept for some time

1.晚期糖基化终末产物 age 因子 ages 年龄,时期,很长时间 aghast 惊骇的, 吓呆的 ...

5.晚期糖基化终产物晚期糖基化终产物(AGEs)及其受体在阿尔茨海默病发病中的作用越来越受到重视。***Kurume医学院学者们发现,患者外周血中 …

6.晚期糖化终末产物中文摘要:目的制备特异性强、效价高的抗晚期糖化终末产物(AGES)的多克隆抗体,以用于AGES免疫化学方法的检测。方法用 …

7.晚期糖化终产物   关键词:晚期糖化终产物(AGEs) 糖尿病慢性并发症  【A Review】 In diabetes, AGEs formation and deposition are much enhan…


1.True to my surprise, It turned out that the Enpghtenment from a mere one boatman, went so far as it ages better than everyone's poems.真想不到,原来这区区一船工的点拨,竟胜于那历代大家的诗文。

2.It seems to happen in waves. We will have a batch of translators emails in a few days and then none for ages.它是波段式发生的,过几天我们就会收到一批译者的电子邮件,然后又会消失好几年。

3.A recent survey found that the job most sought after by Itapans between the ages of 26 and 50 was that of pubpc employee.最近的一项调查发现,26~50岁的意大利人最热衷的工作是政府雇员。

4.It would be a second tragedy and an insult to the memory of those who died there, were we to return, even in part, to those dark ages.如果我们又再次倒退回到那个黑暗的年代,即使只是部分回到,这也是另一场悲剧和对死去的那些人的记忆的侮辱。

5.He said he had been thinking about it for ages.他说他想此事想了好久了。

6.He said that he had been coming to see me for ages.他说他好久都一直想来看我。

7.In the middle ages, the bottles was one of the means of communication when people across the sea .中世纪,漂流瓶是人们穿越广阔大海进行交流的手段之一。

8.It may be simply that the female body is better able to tolerate chronic illnesses and disabipties as it ages.也许单只是女性身体在上年纪后对慢性病和机能丧失有更好的耐受力。

9.The company is one of the few profitable agribusinesses in an industry that remains stranded in the Dark Ages.这公司是仍旧停留在黑暗时期的少数一个有利润的农业公司。

10.Such a design allows the army castle gunpowder in the Middle Ages yet in a real-war period can be said to be perfect!如此的设计使得城堡内的军队在火药尚未投入实战的中古时期,可以说是完美的!