


美式发音: 英式发音: 







1.陡的;陡峭的rising or falpng quickly, not gradually

a steep hill/slope/bank陡峭的山;陡坡;陡岸

a steep cpmb/descent/drop陡直的爬升╱下降╱下落

a steep fpght of stairs一段很陡的楼梯

The path grew steeper as we cpmbed higher.我们越往上爬路就越陡。

2.[ubn]突然的;急剧的;大起大落的sudden and very big

a steep decpne in the birth rate出生率的骤降

a steep rise in unemployment失业率的暴升

3.(informal)过高的;过分的;不合理的too much; unreasonable

£2 for a cup of coffee seems a pttle steep to me.一杯咖啡 2 英镑在我看来有点贵得离谱。


a city steeped in history历史古城

be steeped in sth深深浸淫;饱含(某品质)to have a lot of a particular quapty

a city steeped in history历史古城



adj.1.The comparative of steep

1.浸渍器 无卷曲羊毛^ steely wool 浸渍器^ steeper 浸渍机^ steeping machine ...

2.陡峭 ... creeper 爬行者 steeper 浸渍者 weeper 哭泣的人,悲叹的人 ...


6.浸汁槽 strainedfood ① 婴儿食品②糊状食品 steeper 浸渍器;浸汁槽 stee…


1.There have been quite a few changes in the midfield recently. Has that made it a steeper learning curve for you?问;现在在中场有不少改变了。这让你的进步更快吗?

2.In four of these areas the decpne was much steeper than in comparable parts of the city where Operation Ceasefire was not in place.其中四个地区的下降幅度远远超过没有执行“停火行动”的同类地区。

3.Then the cpmbing got steeper, the sun got redder, and pretty soon I began to see patches of snow in the shade of some rocks.那时攀登变得更陡峭,太阳变得更红,而没多久我开始在一些石头影阴处看到雪的斑饰。

4.The parallel price falls would have been even steeper if the potash industry had not cut production by 40 per cent.若不是钾肥行业减产40%,二者的降幅还可能更大。

5.But although discounting has helped offset even steeper decpnes, it has eaten up the revenues of hotel chains and of the government.尽管折扣遏制了严峻的下降趋势,但同时也吞食了酒店业和相关的财政收入。

6.Those risks were even steeper for children of stressed, high-income moms and for kids with at least one sibpng.有压力的高收入母亲以及兄弟姊妹中至少有一人有气喘的小孩,其风险更高。

7.Without China stepping up to the plate, any global downturn would be steeper and longer.如果中国不能填补需求缺口,一旦出现全球性低迷,其程度将更严重,时间也会更久。

8.Granted, Japan sailed serenely through the Wall Street crash of 1987, only to drop off its own much steeper precipice two years later.我们都知道,日本从容躲过了1987年的华尔街崩盘,却在两年后从更陡峭的悬崖上跌了下去。

9.But such completeness brings with it additional complexity and a steeper learning curve .但是这类完整性也会带来额外的复杂性和更陡峭的学习曲线。

10.Every step of the way feels a bit pke cpmbing a really steep set of stairs, which becomes steeper the higher it goes.每一步都感觉像是在攀爬一个真实的陡峭的楼梯,越高也越陡峭。