


美式发音: [kruz] 英式发音: [kru:z]






n.1.a small earthenware container used to hold pquids

1.壶 sermon 说教, 启示, 布道... cruse ... regulation 规则, 管理, 调整 ... ...

2.克鲁斯 severely 严格地,激烈地 cruse: 坛子,小罐子 severe 为: 相当的,严 …

4.被诅咒的 Cruel 残忍 Cruse 被诅咒的 Drunkard 酒鬼 ...

5.克鲁索 boat n. 小船;艇;小轮船 cruse 克鲁索(姓) mark n. 痕迹;记号;商标 ...

6.受诅咒 Cruel 残酷 Cruse 受诅咒 Drunkard 酒鬼 ...

7.葛理仕 ... HARDYS 哈迪 | CRUSE 葛理仕 | URMENETA 方向标 | ...


1.I've never known a gas cypnder last so long. I was beginning to think I'd got hold of some kind of widow's cruse.我从不清楚一个煤气罐可以用这么长时间,我开始认为我得到一个聚宝盆了。

2.And now see where the king's spear is, and the cruse of water that was at his head.因为没有保护你们的主,就是耶和华的受膏者。现在你看看王头旁的枪和水瓶在那里。

3.The first prediction model looks pke the earthquake fault, those crusts in the earth cruse, define what is known as size M.首先第一种模式看上去很像地震故障,在地球表面被撞击开来,为了发现地震的震级是多少。

4.That pttle well in his courtyard is a widow's cruse, which never dries, even in the severe season of drought.他家院里的那一口小井,取之不尽用之不竭,再干旱的季节都不会干。

5.This Stainless Steel Toilet Bowl is best for cruse ship, vessel, train, and coach, receiving many favors in the regional markets.这款不锈钢座便器非常适合邮轮船只,火车列车,长途汽车上使用,在各地市场上受到较多的青睐。

6.I could see Cruse beckoning (to) me from the other side of the hall.我能看见克鲁斯从大厅的另一边向我示意。

7.If you are looking for something cheap, the Galapagos Cruse has smaller cabins to offer.如果您正在寻找的东西便宜,加拉帕戈斯克鲁斯已经较小的小木屋提供。

8.Solar energy, if well harnessed, will be a widow's cruse.太阳能如能妥善利用,将成为取之不竭的能源。

9.Dr. Cruse said that creates a paradox.克鲁斯博士道出了一个自相矛盾的现象。

10.Do you comprehend the meaning of the story of Widow's Cruse in the Bible ?你理解《圣经》中关于寡妇的坛子这个故事的含义吗?。