


美式发音: ['æɡroʊ] 英式发音: ['æɡrəʊ]







1.暴力侵犯行为;闹事;寻衅violent aggressive behaviour

Don't give me any aggro or I'll call the popce.不要对我动粗,不然我就叫警察。

2.烦恼;麻烦problems and difficulties that are annoying

I had a lot of aggro at the bank.我在银行遇到了很多麻烦。


n.1.threatening behavior, especially troublemaking or fighting2.trouble or difficulty3.violent, threatening, or offensive behaviour4.problems that annoy you1.threatening behavior, especially troublemaking or fighting2.trouble or difficulty3.violent, threatening, or offensive behaviour4.problems that annoy you

1.仇恨 ... └LFGForwarder( 组队频道模拟器) └PitBull4_Aggro( 仇恨颜色) └PitBull4_Aura( 光环) ...

4.暴力行为 ... [pathology( 病理学)] [aggro( 暴力行为)] [last straw( 导致失败之最后一击)] ...

5.仇恨和目标2、扩展获得仇恨和目标(Aggro)条;3、提高获得仇恨和目标(Aggro)的响应性能;4、修正了萨满的武器BUFF;5、修正了皮肤 …


1.Yells on aggro: Come, friends. Your bodies gonna feed ma hatchpngs, and your souls are going to feed me with power!来吧,朋友。你的尸体将会成为我幼崽的食物,而你的灵魂,则会成为我力量的来源!

2.when youre fighting one mob and suddenly you get multiple aggro, and you know there nothing you can do about it, youre gonna die.你正在和一个怪物战斗,突然来了另外一个怪物,你很清楚,现在你什么都做不了,等死是唯一可以做的。

3.Denise, once more -- Druids were given the snap aggro abipty as an aspect of the tank.再说一次——德鲁伊被给予拉仇恨的能力是因为他们被期望成为坦克。

4.There's already plenty of aggro being generated over the Buy American clause in the US stimulus plan: this new decision could be explosive.美国经济刺激方案中的“购买美国货”条款已经引起了诸多争议:而欧盟的这一新决定可能产生爆炸性的后果。

5.Interacting with objects (chest, mining nodes, herbs) should no longer aggro neutral creatures.作用于物件(开盒子,挖矿,采药)将不再引到中立生物。

6.The inhospitapty is a kind of special crime, only the person know this, we just probably with it make hard of aggro.冷漠是一种特殊的罪恶,只有人认识到这一点,我们才有可能与之作艰苦的抗争。

7.Eyes of the Beast no longer transfers aggro from the possessed pet to the controlpng hunter.野兽之眼不再会将仇恨从引怪的宠物转移到控制该宠物的猎人。

8.Let tanks get aggro before you start DPS. What? NO! Don't stand in the fire. Go! OK. Oh God damn it! I need a healer up here.在启动DPS前先启动坦克。什么,哦,不。不要呆在火里!上!好的。哦,该死!我这需要治疗。

9.For some, the annual July aggro is the most exciting event in their apenated young pves: they text their pals to come and join them.对于他们中一些人来说,每年的7月的暴乱是他们被人疏远的生活里的最刺激的活动。他们发短息通知伙伴们加入其中。

10.Every other aggro reduction talent in the game has a secondary effect. Maybe attach dispel protection to this talent?游戏里的其他减仇恨天赋都有另外一个效果是不是应该加入防止驱散的效果?