


美式发音: 英式发音: [ei'mi:l]





1.艾米尔 Emanuel 埃马努埃尔 Emil 埃米尔 Emipan 埃米利安 ...

3.周华健 郑中基[ Ronald] 周华健[ Emil] 周杰伦[ Jay] ...

4.艾密尔 Emery 爱莫里 Emil 爱米尔 Emmanuel 爱曼纽 ...

8.勤奋的 11.Emanuel 上帝和我们在一起 12.Emil 勤奋的 13.Emmanel 上帝和我们在一起 ...


1.For the Los Angeles Olympics, Kostya would be twenty-three, which, in Emil's estimation, was the ideal age for a middleweight.等到洛杉矶奥运会,克斯特亚就是23岁了。按埃米尔的估计,这是中量级拳手的理想年龄。

2.Emil said teasingly, "What's the matter with you? "爱弥儿开玩笑地说:“你这是怎么了?”

3.Emil looked incredulous, but he did not dispute the point.爱尔尔似乎不信,但也没开口反驳。

4.He turned the remainder of his money over to an old woman who claimed to be Emil's aunt.他把其余的钱交给了一个自称是埃米尔的姑姑的老太太。

5.Ivetta had never met Emil, but she had an opinion of him.艾薇塔从未见过埃米尔,但她对他有些看法。

6.Emil Zatopek --An athlete cannot run with money in his pockets. He must run with hope in his heart and dreams in his head.埃米尔·扎托倍克(前捷克斯洛伐克著名长跑运动员):运动员前进时口袋里不能揣着钱,他必须心怀希望和梦想。

7.Her husband Emil Abate says his family in Capfornia would not have objected to his marrying a woman of any race.她丈夫爱米尔·阿贝托称他在加州的家人不会反对他和任何种族的人结婚。

8.When he saw Emil , Amedee waved to him and called to one of his cousins to take the reins .一看到爱弥儿,亚米迪就连忙向他挥手,同时叫他的一个堂兄弟接过马缰绳。

9.Emil stood looking down at her, holding his shoulders stiff and stiffening the arm to which she clung.爱弥儿站在那里,低头望着她,他的双肩是那么的强健,她依靠的那只胳膊是那么有力。

10.Since the Americans didn't go to Moscow, either, Emil said it was just as well.埃米尔说,由于美国人没来莫斯科,所以去不去也就无所谓了。