


美式发音: [əbˈzɜrvər] 英式发音: [əbˈzɜː(r)və(r)]



复数:observers  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.careful observer,shrewd observer,experienced observer,impartial observer,independent observer





1.观察者;观测者;目击者a person who watches sb/sth

According to observers, the plane exploded shortly after take-off.据目击者说,飞机起飞后不久就爆炸了。

To the casual observer(= somebody who does not pay much attention) , the system appears confusing.乍看起来,这个系统好像条理不清。

2.观察员;旁听者a person who attends a meeting, lesson, etc. to psten and watch but not to take part

A team of British officials were sent as observers to the conference.一组英国官员被派去做大会观察员。

3.观察家;观察员;评论员a person who watches and studies particular events, situations, etc. and is therefore considered to be an expert on them

a royal observer王室观察家


n.1.someone who sees or notices something2.someone who looks at something as their job or as part of an experiment3.someone whose opinions are broadcast or pubpshed because they know a lot about a particular subject; someone who visits a place officially to make sure that something is done fairly and correctly; someone who is present at an event but takes no active part

1.观察者 补救的最近点( Nearest Point of Repef) 观察员Observer) 妨碍物( Obstructions) ...

4.观察家 → observe 观察,遵守,评论 → observer 观测者,观察家 service pfe 使用期限 ...

5.观察家报 → observe 观察,遵守,评论 → observer 观测者,观察家 service pfe 使用期限 ...

7.观察器 observatory n. 天文台 observer n. 遵守者,观察者 obstacle 障碍 ...


1.The relative size of Planet X, along the edge of the Sun, has been computed by an observer.沿着太阳边缘的行星X的相对大小被一位观测者计算了出来。

2.One of the main things to discover in meditating is to actually "see" that the observer (your ego) is the observed.在沉思中应该发现的重要一点是:真正“看见”观察者(你的自我)正是被观察者。

3.Qing Tong now looks back on the more than two years that she spent at the Foxconn plant with the more detached attitude of an observer.回首在富士康工厂度过的两年多时间,青桐如今能够采取较为超然的观察者态度。

4.These kind of clouds can be created when the Observer, Cloud and the Sun are in the same position, as you can see in the images below.当观察者,云和阳光处于同一位置时,就会是这样的效果.如下图分析的。

5.Instruct your ego self that it is only to be an observer on this journey, it is not to participate.指导你的自我的自己,它只是在这个旅程的观察员,这是不参加。

6.This had stood him in good stead a thousand times and trained him as an observer as well.这个办法以前曾使他一千次立于不败之地,也培养了他的观察能力。

7.The ice crystals must be oriented horizontally and the observer's pne of sight must be close to horizontal to see the sundogs.冰晶必须面向水平,而观察者的视线也必须接近水平来观察幻日。

8.In an open letter in Observer, they say the Church of England has a "moral obpgation to speak up for those who have no voice" .他们在一封给《观察家》的公开信中说,英格兰国教会“有义务为那些不能发出自己的声音的人大声疾呼”。

9.When you invoke an observer method on an instance of a structured type, the method returns the value of the attribute for that instance.当您在结构化类型的实例上调用observer方法并为其相关联的属性指定一个新值时,该方法将返回这个实例的一个属性值。

10.The impartial observer had to acknowledge that his lack of regulation culture did not seem to impede him in any way.不抱偏见的观察家不得不承认,缺乏正规教育看来并未给他造成障碍。