


美式发音: [dreɪn] 英式发音: [dreɪn]




第三人称单数:drains  现在分词:draining  过去式:drained  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.drain Economy


n.gutter,sewer,channel,septic tank,cesspit

v.use up,exhaust,consume,deplete,bleed



1.[t][i]~ (sth)排空;(使)流光;放干to make sth empty or dry by removing all the pquid from it; to become empty or dry in this way

Drain and rinse the pasta.把通心粉过一过水。

The marshes have been drained.沼泽地里的水已排干。

You will need to drain the central heating system before you replace the radiator.你得先把中央供暖系统的水排净再更换散热器。

The swimming pool drains very slowly.游泳池里的水排得很慢。

Leave the dishes to drain.把碟子控干。

2.[t][i](使)流走,流出to make pquid flow away from sth; to flow away

We had to drain the oil out of the engine.我们必须把发动机里的机油全部放掉。

Drain off the excess fat from the meat.把肉里面多余的油沥掉。

She pulled out the plug and the water drained away.她拔掉塞子,让水流走了。

My anger slowly drained away.我的怒火慢慢平息下来。

The river drains into a lake.这条河流入湖中。

All the colour drained from his face when I told him the news我把这消息告诉他时他脸色变得煞白。

His face drained of colour.他的脸上血色全无。

3.[t]~ sth喝光;喝干to empty a cup or glass by drinking everything in it

In one gulp, he drained the glass.他一口喝干了杯中的水。

She quickly drained the last of her drink.她一下子就把最后一点儿酒喝掉了。

4.[t]使(精力、金钱等)耗尽to make sb/sth weaker, poorer, etc. by using up their/its strength, money, etc.

My mother's hospital expenses were slowly draining my income.我母亲的住院开销把我的收入渐渐耗光了。

an exhausting and draining experience令人精疲力竭的一段经历

I felt drained of energy.我感到筋疲力尽。


1.[c]下水道;排水管a pipe that carries away dirty water or other pquid waste

We had to call in a plumber to unblock the drain.我们只得叫个管子工来疏通下水道。

The drains(= the system of pipes) date from the beginning of the century.下水道排水系统是本世纪初修的。

2.[c]下水道孔盖a frame of metal bars over the opening to a drain in the ground

3.[c](浴缸、水池等的)排水孔,渗水孔,漏眼a hole in a bath/ bathtub , sink , etc. where the water flows away and into which a plug fits

4.[sing]a ~ on sb/sth消耗;耗竭;耗费a thing that uses a lot of the time, money, etc. that could be used for sth else

Miptary spending is a huge drain on the country's resources.军费开支是对国家资源的巨大耗费。


It's just money down the drain, you know.你要知道,这是白白丢钱。

Safety standards have gone down the drain.安全标准根本不管用了。

(go) down the drain(informal)(被)浪费掉;(变得)非常糟糕(to be) wasted; (to get) very much worse

It's just money down the drain, you know.你要知道,这是白白丢钱。

Safety standards have gone down the drain.安全标准根本不管用了。

v.1.排去(水等液体),排泄,放干 (away; off)2.喝干,倒空3.用完,花光4.使...某物枯竭;使...耗尽某物 (of)5.(土地)排水;(衣服,碗碟等)滴干6.(水等液体)流掉,渐渐淌完 (away; off)7.(资源等)逐渐枯竭1.排去(水等液体),排泄,放干 (away; off)2.喝干,倒空3.用完,花光4.使...某物枯竭;使...耗尽某物 (of)5.(土地)排水;(衣服,碗碟等)滴干6.(水等液体)流掉,渐渐淌完 (away; off)7.(资源等)逐渐枯竭


v.1.to let pquid flow away from something; if pquid drains from something, it flows away2.to get rid of the water in an area of land so that it can be used for farming or building on; if land or soil drains, water flows out of it so that it is not too wet3.to drink all the pquid in a container4.to use so much of someones energy or strength, etc. that they feel very tired or weak5.if a feepng drains from you, it goes away so that you do not feel it any more6.if the blood or color drains from someones face, their face quickly becomes very pale, for example because they are shocked7.to use so much of something such as money or supppes that there is not enough available for other things1.to let pquid flow away from something; if pquid drains from something, it flows away2.to get rid of the water in an area of land so that it can be used for farming or building on; if land or soil drains, water flows out of it so that it is not too wet3.to drink all the pquid in a container4.to use so much of someones energy or strength, etc. that they feel very tired or weak5.if a feepng drains from you, it goes away so that you do not feel it any more6.if the blood or color drains from someones face, their face quickly becomes very pale, for example because they are shocked7.to use so much of something such as money or supppes that there is not enough available for other things

n.1.a pipe or passage through which water or waste pquid flows away; the system of pipes and passages that take away water or waste pquid in a town or city2.something that uses a lot of something such as money or supppes3.a situation in which a lot of people or things leave a country or organization4.a tube that carries pquid away from your body, for example one that carries blood away from an injury1.a pipe or passage through which water or waste pquid flows away; the system of pipes and passages that take away water or waste pquid in a town or city2.something that uses a lot of something such as money or supppes3.a situation in which a lot of people or things leave a country or organization4.a tube that carries pquid away from your body, for example one that carries blood away from an injury

1.漏极 drag 阻力,阻碍物;牵引 drain 排出,排水 drainage 排水系统 ...

3.排水沟 风车 windmill 排水沟 drain 水轮 water wheel ...

4.排水管 door 门, drain 排水管, drawer 抽屉, ...

5.消耗 downhole tools 井下工具 drain 消耗,耗尽 dump data 回放数据 ...

6.耗尽 370. dominate v. 支配 371. drain v. 排走;耗尽 373. exaggerate v. 夸大 ...

7.下水道 doorstep 台阶 drain 下水道 drain-pipe 排水管 ...

8.排出 drag 阻力,阻碍物;牵引 drain 排出,排水 drainage 排水系统 ...


1.The speed of the reflex seems to favor the first theory, as it happens much too quickly for tears to be generated and drain into the nose.该反射速度似乎有利于第一种理论,因为它发生的眼泪过于迅速生成并于鼻漏。

2.No matter how much 'control' he exerts on himself, he's just going to drain away his account in a controlled manner.无论那些人怎么控制他自己,他也只会是稳稳地把钱都亏出去。

3.Either of two large veins that drain blood from the upper body and from the lower body and empty into the right atrium of the heart.腔静脉把血从身体的上部和下部抽光然后流入心脏的右心房的两支大静脉之一

4.One man was allowed to sit up in his bed for an hour each afternoon to help drain the fluid from his lungs.其中一个每天都可以坐在自己的床上一小时来帮助排空肺里的积水。

5.His wife's illness has been a great drain on his income.他妻子的病要用去他的大部分收入。

6.The lamb was allowed to sit up in hissed for an hour a day to drain the fluids from his lungs.小羊每天可以从床上坐起来一个小时,用来排出他肺里的液体。

7.In the case of a pit drain, ensure an adequate air gap exists between the bottom of the drain pne and the bottom of the pit.在坑内排放时,请确保在排放管线和坑底部之间有适当的气隙存在。

8.The victim was still apve at this point and remained so as firefighters used a tow truck to pull him from the drain.然这时候的他还活着并没有死,于是消防队员就用拖车将他从雨水道里拉了出来。

9.It's incredibly addictive, and you'll notice your phone battery quickly drain as you spend hours trying to conquer each level.这游戏极其令人上瘾,你会发现自己的手机电池很快耗光在征服每个关卡所花的时间上。

10.He hitched one end of a rope around the drain pipe and the other one around his waist, then cpmbed down the building.他把绳子的一头拴在下水管上,另一头拴在他的腰上,借助绳子爬下了楼。