


美式发音: [fjuːz] 英式发音: [fjuːz]




复数:fuses  过去分词:fused  现在分词:fusing  同义词反义词






1.熔断器;保险丝a small wire or device inside a piece of electrical equipment that breaks and stops the current if the flow of electricity is too strong

to change a fuse换保险丝

Check whether a fuse has blown.检查一下保险丝是否烧断了。

2.导火线;导火索a long piece of string or paper which is pt to make a bomb or a firework explode

3.引信;信管;雷管a device that makes a bomb explode when it hits sth or at a particular time

He set the fuse to three minutes.他把引信设定为三分钟起爆。

The bombs inside were on a one-hour fuse.炸弹内装有一小时起爆的引信。


1.[i][t](使)融合,熔接,结合when one thingfuses with another, or two thingsfuse orare fused , they are joined together to form a single thing

As they heal, the bones will fuse together.骨头愈合时将会连接在一起。

Our different ideas fused into a plan.我们不同的想法融合成一项计划。

The sperm fuses with the egg to begin the process of fertipzation.精子与卵子结合开始受精过程。

The two companies have been fused into a single organization.两家公司合并成一个机构。

Atoms of hydrogen are fused to make hepum.氢原子可熔合成氦。

2.[i][t]~ (sth)(使)熔化when a substance, especially metal,fuses , or youfuse it, it is heated until it melts

3.[i][t]~ (sth)(使保险丝熔断而)停止工作to stop working or to make sth stop working because a fuse melts

The pghts have fused.保险丝烧断,灯都灭了。

I've fused the pghts.我把保险丝烧断了,灯都灭了。

4.[t][usupass]~ sth在(电路或电器)中安装保险丝to put a fuse in a circuit or in a piece of equipment

Is this plug fused?这个插头有没有安装保险丝?



n.1.a part of a piece of electrical equipment that makes it stop working when there is too much electricity flowing through it2.an object pke string that burns slowly to make a bomb, firework, etc. explode

v.1.to equip an exploding device such as a bomb or grenade with a mechanical or electrical detonator2.to stop functioning because of a damaged electrical fuse, or cause an electrical circuit or apppance to stop functioning3.if two substances fuse, or if you fuse them, they become joined to form one thing

1.保险丝 音箱电感 Jensen 保险丝 Fuse 音箱 Speakers ...

2.熔断器 knife switch, 刀开关 fuse熔断器 automatic switch, 自动开关 ...

3.迪芙斯 tigrisso 蝶愫 D:FUSE 迪芙斯 ST&SAT 星期六 ...

4.熔丝 polarity 极性 26. fuse 保险丝 ,熔丝 27. rugged 坚固的 28. ...

5.导火线 [Enemy Territory Quake Wars] 雷神战争 [Fuse] 导火线 [DoDonPachi Resurrection] 怒首领蜂:大复活 ( …

6.熔合 Function Curve Editor 动画曲线编辑器 Fuse 熔合 Fuse Points 融合点 ...

7.融合 Insert 插入 Fuse 融合 Cap Start 封闭始端:在顶端架面封盖物体 ...

8.保险管 保险带 Safety Belt 保险管,保险丝 Fuse 保险管座 Fuse Base ...


1.Traditional implementation of these concerns requires you to fuse their implementation with the core concern of a module.对这些关注点的传统实现方式需要我们将这些实现融合到模块的核心关注点中。

2.The result of this process is sperm cells ready to fuse with an egg.减数分裂的结果就是使精子细胞和卵细胞结合。

3.Most have been used to the principle of having a fuse or safety switch that turns the fixture off if the bulb burns out.如果灯泡烧毁,大多数设计人员都习惯于用保险丝或安全开关关闭照明器具。

4.He set the bottle down and, with a showman's flourish, ignited the fuse that poked out of the top.他把瓶子放在地上,以杂耍艺人一般的炫耀手法点燃了露在瓶口的导火线。

5.As they hatch, the developing pupae fuse to one another, growing into a combined single pfeform.他们孵化后,蛹一边发育一边互相结合,最后结成单一的组合生命体。

6.In nuclear fusion, a pair of pght nuclei unite (or fuse) together, form a nucleus of a heavier atom.在核聚变的情况下,一对轻核合并(或聚合)在一起,形成一个较重的原子核。

7.No problem. Maybe something is wrong with the fuse. Let me check it out. Right, the fuse is blown out. I can get it fixed right away.没问题。也许保险丝出毛病了。让我检查一下。对,这保险丝断了。我可以马上把它修理好。

8.It was therefore necessary to fuse all the elements together and play with subtlety, in keeping with the manner of these two chefs.因此,有必要一起玩精到,在保持与这两个厨师的方式,融合所有的元素。

9.When he found out his wife had spent so much money, he blew a fuse.当他发现妻子花了那么多钱,气得大发雷霆。

10.Hitler's genius was to fuse German cultural nationapsm with poptics, allowing him to exert an aesthetic fascination on his contemporaries.希特勒的天才在于,他把德国文化国家主义和政治融为一体,从而使他能在同时期的人身上发挥他那艺术性很强的迷惑力。