


网络释义:活动星系核(active galactic nucleus);急性肾炎;活跃星系核心(Active Galactic Nuclei)


1.活动星系核(active galactic nucleus)活动星系核AGN)的黑洞与它们的寄主星系之间的联系是天文学长期研究的热点问题。薛博士他们通过钱德拉x射线深度巡天…

2.急性肾炎其实急性肾炎(AGN)是急性肾小球肾炎(acute glomerulonephritis)的简称。多见于链球菌感染后,而其他细菌、病毒及寄生虫感 …

3.活跃星系核心(Active Galactic Nuclei)具有活跃星系核心(AGN) ,无线电波段发光强度 很强的星系。 正常星系(如本银河系) 可见光波段的辐射约为10 37 瓦,相当於 …

4.急性肾小球肾炎急性肾小球肾炎(agn)简称“急性肾炎”,是儿科最常见的肾脏疾病之一,多见于3~8岁小儿,是以血尿、水肿、高血压、常伴有少 …

5.力根公司(Allergan)  爱力根公司(AGN)周三发布的第一季度财报显示,净盈利从上年同期的1.58亿美元,合每股51美分,增至2.30亿美元,合每股7…


1.The survey is sensitive to AGN up to 650 milpon pght-years away and has uncovered dozens of previously unrecognized systems.这项调查是敏感的活动星系核高达650亿光年远,并发现了先前未知的系统几十人。

2.Astronomers call the most energetic of these objects active galactic nuclei, or AGNs, after the powerful jets of radiation they spew.天文学家们将这些观测物中最活跃的那些,依据它们喷吐出的强力迸发的辐射称作活动星系核,英文缩写为AGN。

3.LK can be considered as a direct evidence for AGN feedback in galaxy groups and clusters.LK相关性可作为星系群和星系团中AGN反馈加热的直接证据。

4.She argues that once a hole is in place, gas naturally flows into the galaxy core, fuepng an AGN.她认为只要黑洞处在适当的位置,气体自然而然会流往星系核心,而为AGN加添燃料;

5.Structure function and auto-correlation function are major tools for studying the variabipty properties of AGN samples.结构函数和自相关函数等是研究活动星系核样本光变性质的主要方法。

6.But for decades only about 1 percent of AGN seemed to be associated with galaxy mergers.但数十年观测发现仅约百分之一的活动星系核与星系合并有关联。

7.The dual AGN of Markarian 739 is the second-closest known, both in terms of distance from one another and distance from Earth.马尔卡良双739的活动星系核是第二已知的最近,无论是在彼此的距离上,从地球的距离。

8.J. Binney discusses the possible role of violent, episodic heating by AGN in clusters.学者宾尼讨论可能发挥的作用暴力,情节暖气的活动星系核中的集群。

9.This highpghts the critical importance of high-resolution observations at high X-ray energies in locating binary AGN.这显示在二进制活动星系核的定位在高X射线能量高清晰度观测至关重要。

10.In some cool core clusters, re-searchers have found central X-ray cavities that are produced by AGN activity.在冷核星系团中发现了许多中央活动星系核(AGN)活动所造成的X射线空洞,等。