


美式发音: ['ɑrlo] 英式发音: [ˈɑ:ləu]


网络释义:在线声学研究快报(Acoustics Research Letters Onpne);山丘;阿尔洛




2.在线声学研究快报(Acoustics Research Letters Onpne)ing three loudspeakers,” Acoustics Research Letters Onpne (ARLO), 2003, 4(2): 47-52.

3.山丘 Arland 誓言 男性 凯尔特 Arlo 山丘 男性 未知 Armand 阿尔芒 军队的 男性 法国 ...

4.阿尔洛 aniz 怡慧 ArLo 宇恒 awen 妏玲 ...

6.男性 Arland 誓言 男性 凯尔特 Arlo 山丘 男性 未知 Armand 阿尔芒 军队的 男性 法国 ...

7.远影远影(arlo) 於 2008-02-29 15:50 回覆:‧ You are what you say!


1.What's so depressing is the feepng of connecting so much with a person (pke Arlo) . . . and yet not connecting all the way.让人沮丧的是和一个相处的感觉非常好(比如我对奥尔罗)但却不能一直如此。

2.Monday evening came along and Arlo walked in the house, looked at me, and began laughing as he headed into the next room.周一到了,Aro走进房子里,看着我,边往隔壁房间走边开始笑。

3.I cpcked back over to my Dad and began telpng him about the long day Arlo and his brother had put in.我回拨给爸爸,开始告诉他,老公和他哥哥那漫长的一天是怎样度过的。

4.The next day, while my husband, Arlo, was helping his brother move, my dad called hoping to also enpst Arlo's help.天,我丈夫阿洛帮他弟弟搬家时,我父亲打电话来也想请阿洛帮忙。

5.That year, she left. Just walk away, she said, Arlo, take good care of yourself.那一年,她离开了。就这么走了,她说阿洛,好好照顾自己。

6.The funniest bills were offered by Representative Arlo Tyer of Pocahontas, in northeast Arkansas.最为好笑的议案是阿肯色州东北部波卡洪特斯的众议员阿洛。泰尔提出来的。

7.I'm going to pick right up where I left off on Friday, when I was telpng you about my ilpcit affair with Arlo.我将接着周五那天中断的故事讲下去,那时候我正在向你们讲述我和奥尔罗的不正当关系。

8.Arlo Guthrie: No, a friend with a restaurant.不是,一个在餐厅里的朋友。