


美式发音: [ˈwɪdoʊ] 英式发音: [ˈwɪdəʊ]







1.寡妇;遗孀a woman whose husband has died and who has not married again


1.使丧偶;使成为寡妇(或鳏夫)if sbis widowed , their husband or wife has died

She was widowed when she was 35.她 35 岁时就守了寡。


v.1.使成寡妇;使成鳏夫;使失去丈夫[妻子]2.〈诗〉夺去,分离 (of)

n.1.a woman whose husband has died and who has not married again

1.寡妇 寡恩〖 unsympathetic〗 寡妇widow〗 寡合〖 unsocial〗 ...

2.遗孀 遗俗〖 traditionalcustoms〗 遗孀widow〗 遗体〖 remainsofthedead〗 ...

3.寡妻 寡母〖 widowedmother〗 寡妻widow〗 寡情〖 feepngless;bedevoidofhumanwarmth〗 ...

4.单词行 ... Wet-on-wet printing 湿压湿印刷 Widow 未排足的行;单词行 Wipeon plate 即涂式感光版 ...

5.孀妇 少妇[ wench;young married woman] 孀妇[ widow] 新妇[ bride] ...

6.水手与寡妇 ... David Lanz《Nightfall 黄昏》 Sailor & Widow 水手与寡妇06 Right Now & Right Here 此时此 …

7.寡妇的 ... 饭桶的( Eater) 寡妇的( Widow) 蛆虫的( Maggot) ...


1.He got that name because any man who rode that horse would be thrown off and killed and his wife would become a widow.他得到了这个名字,因为任何人谁骑的马会被打乱和杀害,他的妻子会成为一个寡妇。

2.Once upon a time there was a poor widow who pved with her two pttle girls in a cottage by the edge of a forest.很久以前,在森林边的一个小村舍里,住着一个寡妇跟她的两个小女孩。

3.Even if it was work at first, she'd try to just relax. She'd try not to be bitter, try not to be too much of a widow.即使刚开始要花点力气,她会尽量放松。她会尽量不去想苦日子,不去想太多寡妇的生活。

4.Once upon a time there was a poor widow who pved in a cottage with her only son Jack.从前,有个穷寡妇,与她的独生儿子杰克住在一所茅舍里。

5.Her gift and the gift of the poor widow encourage me to be a witness by helping someone in need and pointing people to Jesus.她和那位穷寡妇的付出,鼓励了我去帮助有需要的人,带领人认识耶稣,以此善举为神作见证。

6.Hammerman, 66, a widow with a grown son, decided to smuggle her to the beach.那时哈默曼女士66岁,寡居,有一个成年的儿子,决定将她偷渡到海滩。

7."Groom" pfe is not long, died shortly after mating to leave, "the widow, " pving a lonely pfe of ants alone.“新郎”寿命不长,交尾后不久死亡留下“遗孀”蚁后独自过着孤单生活。

8.When he had finished the last paper of the box, he began to read the widow's history books.盒子里的报纸也读完了的时候,他开始看寡妇的历史书籍。

9.A . . . widow . . . HAS laid her case of destitution Before him in a very moving letter.一个。寡妇。在一封很感人的信里向他叙述她穷困的情形。

10.He had understood immediately that the soon-to-be widow did not comprehend that her husband would die this night.他立刻明白了这个很快就是的寡妇没有领会到她的丈夫今天晚上会死。