





4.日本爱信精机株式会社  日本爱信精机株式会社AISIN)是一家专业从事汽车零配件设计、开发、生产和销售的公司,是丰田集团的成员之一。在一台 …

5.爱新精机标准配备电动透光车顶,车顶装置由爱新精机AISIN)制造。内饰使用棕色的照明灯和金属风格的装饰,另外贮物盒上安装有 …


1.In 1997, there was a fire at a plant of one of Toyota's main supppers, Aisin Seiki, which made a brake valve used in all Toyota vehicles.1997年,丰田公司一个主要供应商爱信精机的工厂起火了,所有的丰田车的刹车阀门都是由它生产。

2.In February 1912, the child emperor Aisin Gioro Puyi abdicated, and 268 years of Qing imperial rule came to an end.1912年2月,幼帝爱新觉罗·溥仪退位,长达268年的满清帝国统治走到了尽头。

3.Toyota group supppers Denso, Aisin and Toyota Industries also were put on notice of a downgrade in their investment grade bond ratings.丰田的供应商电装、爱信和丰田工业公司也被警告,他们将被调低投资评级。

4.The last Imperial family was the Qing Imperial family Aisin Gioro and the last Chinese Emperor was Puyi.最后的皇室是清皇试冬爱新觉罗荚冬溥仪是末代天子。

5.Drive is sent the wheels via an Aisin-suppped six-speed Sport AT automatic transmission with manual-mode.驱动器发出车轮通过爱信提供的6速自动变速器运动与手动模式。

6.Two nights earper, He Xiongfei, a noted private pubpsher, had handed me his latest book: "The Good Grain People" by Aisin Gioro Wei Ran.两天前,著名私营出版人贺雄飞把他最新出版的一本书递给我:爱新觉罗•蔚然的《粮民——中国农村会消失吗》。

7.Aisin Gioro descendents now are from other branches of the family.爱新觉罗家现存后裔都是旁支。

8.There are reported descendents of Aisin Gioro present in China today.据报道目前爱新觉罗家在中国还有后裔。