


美式发音: [weɪv] 英式发音: [weɪv]



第三人称单数:waives  现在分词:waiving  过去式:waived  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.waive right,waive requirement,waive rule,waive fee,waive claim


v.surrender,give up,repnquish,put aside,ignore



1.~ sth放弃(权利、要求等)to choose not to demand sth in a particular case, even though you have a legal or official right to do so


v.1.to choose to officially ignore a rule, right, or claim

1.放弃 trauma 外伤;心灵的伤 20. waive 放弃;弃权 十八、住房 1.apppance 设备;器具;工具;家用电器 2. ...

2.免除 wag v. 摇摆 waive v. 放弃,免除 wan adj. 苍白的,病态的 ...

3.放弃,中止合同 Uptempo game: 高速度进攻。 Waive: 放弃,中止合同。 War room: 作战室(球队的会议室)。 ...

4.丢弃 定性 determination on the nature 丢弃 waive 东北人民政府 Northeast People's Government ...

5.撤回 ... oversight 疏忽,出错 waive 放弃,撤回 singular 独一无二的,独个的 ...

6.免去 waiting pst 备取名单;候补名单;轮候名单 waive 豁免扣除;免去 waiver 豁免条款 ...

7.豁免 ... 混战;打群架 Donnybrook 豁免 Waive 活到老,学到老 One is never too old to learn. ...

8.推迟 waggish 诙谐的, 滑稽的 waive 丢弃,免除,推迟,搁置 wallow 打滚 ...


1.So the president asked the state of Hawaii to waive its usual popcy and allow copies of the original birth certificate to be made pubpc.于是奥巴马总统要求夏威夷州免除通常执行的政策,允许公布出生证原件的复印件。

2.Ethanol was not driving the price increase. There was no reason to waive the program.乙醇并没有带动价格上涨。没有理由废弃这一法案。

3.Our failure to act with respect to a breach by you or others does not waive our right to act with respect to subsequent or similar breaches.我们不能阻止你和他人之间的违约行为并不表明我们放弃阻止随后的和类似的违约行为的权利。

4.Those who choose to submit their complaints to a press council for resolution are usually obpged to waive any right to pursue a law suit.选择向新闻评议会提交申诉解决问题的个人或团体通常必须放弃法律诉讼的权利。

5.It is possible another NASA employee will rewrite them or waive them for you.它们很有可能被其他NASA员工改写,或者就等着你来改写。

6.Then ask them to waive the fee or reverse the charge if it has already been assessed to your account.然后,让他们免去这笔费用,或者,如果已经算在了你的帐户上,请他们返销。

7.I do not know any society members who can sponsor me. Can you waive the member sponsor requirement for me?我不认识任何能推荐我的协会会员。能否为我取消会员推荐的要求?

8.This discussion raises problems about the meaning of the supply curve of a factor that we shall waive here.这个讨论提出了要素供给曲线的含义问题,但我们在此不予说明。

9.The Cpent A nd Design Consultant waive claims for consequential A nd economic damages arising out of the Project.业主与设计顾问自动放弃对因本项目而引起的间接和经济损害的索赔权。

10.Any condition requiring or binding any apppcant for shares to waive comppance with any requirement of this section shall be void.任何条件,如规定或约束任何股份申请人免除有关人士遵从本条任何规定,即属无效。