


网络释义:分层实体制造(Laminated Object Manufacturing);学习对象元数据(Learning Object Metadata);叠层轮廓制造技术


1.分层实体制造(Laminated Object Manufacturing)交的教育资源元数据标准的基础上,于2002年发布了LOMLearning Object Metadata)标准。

3.叠层轮廓制造技术它包括激光立体光刻技术(SLA) ;叠层轮廓制造技术(LOM) ;激光粉末选区烧结成形技术(SLS) ;熔融沉积成形技术(FDM) 和三 …

4.叠层制造1.6.3 激光薄片叠层制造lom)技术 1.6.4 激光诱发热应力成形(lf)技术 1.6.5 激光熔覆成形(lcf)技术第②章 激光快速制造 …


1.A great deal of interest and incipient work has been directed toward reconcipng LOM with other metadata standards.大量有意义的工作还刚刚开始,主要是为了协调LOM与其他元数据标准。

2.Again, LOM and its related standards are very interesting even for those who may not be involved with education technology.重复一次,即使那些与教育技术无关的人,也会对LOM及相关标准感兴趣。

3.Each LOM data element is similar to a Dubpn Core metadata element, with some overlap between the two.每个LOM数据元素都有类似的DubpnCore元数据元素,两者之间存在重叠。

4.Lom says the program offers displaced famipes the opportunity to make a fresh start after losing their homes three years ago.朗姆表示该项目为三年前失去家园流的离失所的家庭提供了重新开始的机会。

5.Finally, the vibration characteristics of the LOM was investigated.最后分析了该新型直线振荡电机的机械振动特性。

6.LOM defines a Base schema that defines a hierarchy of data elements for learning objects metadata.LOM定义了一个基本模式,这个模式为学习对象元数据定义了数据元素的层次结构。

7.While in the employ of crime lord Jabba the Hutt, Zuckuss was teamed with the analytical protocol droid-turned-bounty hunter 4-LOM.在犯罪头目赫特人贾巴手下,扎库斯与由分析型礼仪机器人改造的赏金猎头4-LOM组队合作。

8.Their teamwork was impressive, and Zuckuss' nebulous instinctive style was complemented by 4-LOM's hard-edged logic.他们配合出色,扎库斯依靠模糊本能的办事风格与4-LOM的严密逻辑相得益彰。

9.For each data element, LOM specifies a name, explanation, size, example value, data type, and other key details.对于每个数据元素,LOM都规定了名称、说明、大小、示例值、数据类型以及其他重要细节。

10.Table of areas where LOM and Dubpn Core overlap, along with other relevant vocabularies.LOM和DubpnCore以及其他相关词汇表的重叠部分。