


美式发音: [ˈælɡəl] 英式发音: ['ælɡəl]





adj.1.connected with algae or caused by algae2.The derivative of alga

1.海藻的 algaecide 除海藻的药 algal 海藻的 algarroba 角豆树 ...

2.藻类的 algal sponge reef 藻海绵礁 algal 藻类的 algebra of matrices 矩阵代数 ...

3.藻類蕨(fern) (fern)之孢子;藻類 之孢子;藻類(algal) (algal)及植 及植 物之细胞 物之细胞…。

4.藻成的 藻尘 algal dust 藻成的 algal 藻礁 algal reef ...

5.藻粒屑(bioclast)、球粒( pellet)和藻粒algal)。 ‚礁(Reefs): 前礁(fore reef)、礁前(reef front) 礁坪(reef flat)和 …


1.The low mature crude oil may be the result of the algal substance generating into hydrocarbon at the early period of diagenesis.并指出低熟原油可能主要为成岩作用早期藻类物质成烃的结果。

2.Experiments that add iron to the sea have had mixed success, though, and may cause harmful algal blooms and ocean acidification.实验证明,在海中加铁是一把双刃剑,虽然海藻的数量增多,但也可能导致有害藻潮和海洋酸化。

3.Much is washed off by rain, ending up in local watercourses where dissolved nutrients can cause algal blooms and kill fish.大部分是被雨水冲走,沉积在当地河道并在那里溶解成营养素,这种营养素能引起当地藻类大量繁殖并造成鱼类死亡。

4.It takes roughly a pound and a half of dried, pressed algae to make a pound of the algal portion of the plastic, he says.他说,通常一磅半左右干的经过压制的海藻可以获取一磅的用来制取塑料的海藻。

5.On a seasonal basis, algal blooms near the sea surface send pulses of organic material to the deep seafloor.从季节更替的角度,在海面附近发生的赤潮为有机物质向深海地区的运送提供了动力。

6.This can be a problem on all concrete ramps, especially at king low tides, (where )algal growth is much more difficult to control.这是所有混凝土斜坡都有的问题,尤其是在相当低水位的时候,这里海藻的生长更难控制。

7.This can trigger toxic algal blooms and a rising number of oxygen deficient 'dead zones'.这可以导致有毒的赤潮出现,使缺氧“死亡区”的数量不断增加。

8.So far, the rising sea levels, dying corals and spreading algal blooms are only minor distractions for most people.迄今为止,对大多数人而言,海平面升高、奄奄一息的珊瑚虫、蔓延的藻花水华只不过是次要的烦恼。

9.Harmful algal bloom (HAB) is one of the major marine disasters in the coastal areas of Hebei.赤潮是河北省沿海地区主要海洋生态灾害之一。

10.Consequently, to understand the reason for forming periodic algal bloom, is necessary for improving water quapty in this reservoir.所以对于新山水库,必须了解形成藻华现象的原因,方能采取适当措施,预防优养问题发生。