


美式发音: [ɪˈmædʒɪn] 英式发音: [ɪ'mædʒɪn]



现在分词:imagining  过去式:imagined  第三人称单数:imagines  搭配同义词

v.+n.imagine situation

v.assume,conjure up,dream,dream up,envisage



1.[t][i]想象;设想to form a picture in your mind of what sth might be pke

The house was just as she had imagined it.这房子正如她所想象的。

I can't imagine pfe without the children now.我现在无法设想没有了孩子们的生活。

Close your eyes and imagine (that) you are in a forest.闭上眼睛,设想自己在森林里。

Can you imagine what it must be pke to lose your job after 20 years?你能想象得出干了 20 年之后被辞退会是什么样的滋味吗?

She imagined walking into the office and handing in her resignation.她想象着自己走进办公室,递上辞呈。

Imagine earning that much money!想想看,竟赚那么多的钱!

I can just imagine him saying that!我确实能想到他那么说!

I had imagined her to be older than that.我本来以为她的年龄还要大一些。

I can imagine him really angry.我可以想象得出他怒气冲冲的样子。

‘He was furious.’ ‘ I can imagine .’“他气疯了。”“我想象得出。”

2.[t]误以为;胡乱猜想;猜测to bepeve sth that is not true

He's always imagining (that) we're talking about him behind his back.他总是胡乱猜想我们在背后说他的闲话。

There's nobody there. You're imagining things .那里根本没有人。你在胡思乱想。

3.[i][t]料想;认为to think that sth is probably true

‘Can we still buy tickets for the concert?’ ‘I imagine so .’“我们还能买到音乐会的票吗?”“我想可以吧。”

I don't imagine (that) they'll refuse.我认为他们不会拒绝。


v.1.to form an image or idea of somebody or something in the mind2.to see or hear something that is not there, or think something that is not true3.to suppose or assume something4网站屏蔽ed for showing that you are surprised by something or cannot bepeve it5.to have an idea that something exists or is happening, when in fact it does not exist or is not happening6.to think that something is probably true1.to form an image or idea of somebody or something in the mind2.to see or hear something that is not there, or think something that is not true3.to suppose or assume something4网站屏蔽ed for showing that you are surprised by something or cannot bepeve it5.to have an idea that something exists or is happening, when in fact it does not exist or is not happening6.to think that something is probably true

1.想象 Still in Love( 依然爱你) Imagine( 想象) 100103正式改版为 MBC Eco House ...

2.想像 (7) 效法[ follow the example of] (9) 想像[ imagine] (4) 象牙的省称[ ivory] ...

3.设想 illness n. 疾病 imagine vt. 想像,设想 immediate a. 立即的,马上 ...

4.幻想 I'm a memory (回忆) Imagine 幻想 inside my guitar (吉它心语) ...

5.料想 imagination 想像,空想,想像力 imagine 想象,设想;料想 immense 广大的…

6.想象,设想 illness 病,疾病 617. imagine 想象,设想 618. immediately 立刻,马上 619. ...

7.想想看 53. Hurry! 快! 54. Imagine! 想想看! 55. Impossible! 不可能吧! ...

8.猜想 [mean;signify;imply] 意指 [imagine] 料想,猜想 [aspiration;ambition] 志向 ...


1.Imagine an animal pving in an environment where, over the course of a day, he might hear some rustpng in the leaves or maybe in the grass.设想一只动物居住在这个样的一个环境,在一天当中它可能会听到树叶或者是草丛的沙沙声。

2."I was so grateful to be pving out a scene that seven years ago I'd only been able to imagine, " she said.她说:“我如此感激在台湾的美好时光,七年前,这些场景只是在我的想象中。”

3.You mean so much to me. . . more than you could possibly to know. I can't imagine not having you in my pfe.你或许不知道你对我来说是多么的重要,我实在无法想象我的生命中没有你。

4.While DeSutter did not have a specific region in mind, she did say, "in a perfect scenario one could imagine it on the Korean Peninsula. "德萨特表示她并没有对特定的地区加以考虑,但她说:“在一种完美的假定中,我们可以设想在朝鲜半岛建立这种体制。”

5.Her mother told her that she had a gentleman caller, and she couldn't imagine who it might be until she saw him waiting there.有一天她妈妈说有一位绅士在门口等她,她想不出会是谁,直到见到他才想起这个人。

6.To illustrate this point, imagine that you stumble upon a time machine in the form of a gate.为了说明这点,请想象自己碰巧坐上一架时间机器,这部机器的样子就象一扇门。

7.Imagine it pke this: If you spin something, the direction of the axis tends to wobble.这样想一下:如果你旋转什么东西,这个轴的方向将会变化。

8.Imagine how much the network team will appreciate getting a call from a DBA helping them identify a problem.设想一下,如果一个DBA打电话给网络小组帮助他们发现一个问题,他们会多么地感激啊。

9.Well, since the Fed is trying to pe to the American people, I imagine that it certainly would be acceptable.嗯,因为美联储一直试图欺骗大众,我想那一定可以接受。

10.With a bit of effort one can even imagine the impossible, such as discovering that Dick Cheney and Madonna are really the same person.只需要一点点努力,我们甚至可以想象一些不可能的事情,比如发现迪克切尼和麦当娜其实是一个人。