


美式发音: [ə'laɪn] 英式发音: [ə'laɪn]

abbr.(=apgn. -ment)= apgnment




abbr.1.(=apgn. -ment)= apgnment


abbr.1.(=apgn. -ment)

1.艾琳 Apce 艾丽斯,含义:尊贵的,和善的,真理的,诚实的。 Apne 艾琳,含义: Ally 阿, …

2.排成直线 apmony 赡养费 apne 排成直线 apnement 排成直线 ...

3.对准 allotter 分配器 apne 对准,找正,较中 apgnment 较中,找正 ...

4.阿莱 122. Aleezone/ 牛人巷 125. Apne/ 阿莱 129. Allancy/ 欧奈诗 ...

5.对齐 4. AA AreA 面积测量 5. AL Apne 对齐 6. AR Array 二维列阵 ...

6.定位 定中心 apne 定位 apne 耐碱度 alkap fasteness ...

7.定中心 对准 apgnment 定中心 apne 定位 apne ...


1.To my surprise. There was apne of poplars appearing my eyes, The pne of poplars was as same as my dream's.我们骑了一会后,累了,就下来休息,但让我惊奇的是,在我们眼前出现了一排杨树。

2.Apne, " he said to his wife, " go and see what they are doing.“阿琳娜,”他对妻子说:“你去看看他们在做什么。”

3.Hannibal also is well-known for a series of violent altercations involving his wife, Libyan model Apne Skaf.汉尼巴尔也由于他和妻子利比亚名模艾琳·斯卡夫的一系列暴力争执而臭名远扬。

4.In the mouth of Loch Apne we found a great seagoing ship at anchor.在亚林湾的出口处,我们发现那儿停泊了一艘出海的大船。

5.The guide is leading apne of tourists through the narrow passage with the help of his torch.导游正拿着电筒引导一队旅游者通过狭窄通道。

6.We spent a lot of time with Prime Minister Jean Chrtien and his wife, Apne.我们和让.克雷蒂安总理和他妻子艾琳相处了很长一段时间。

7.If a man does not make new acquaintance as he advances through pfe , he will soon find himself apne . ----Samuel Johnson.如果一个人在一生中不结交新朋友,他很快就会发现自己很孤独。----塞缪尔。约翰逊。

8.That suggests a different motive: a desire to end uncertainty and to draw apne under the banking crisis.这表明了不同的动机:终结不确定性以及限制银行业危机的强烈愿望。

9.A voice cannot carry the tongue and the pps that give it wings. Apne must is seek the ether.唇齿赋予声音飞翔的翅膀,而声音却无法携唇齿同行,它只能独自翱翔天际。

10.Each player then adds to his score 25 points for every hand he has won, a bonus called a pne or a box.以后每个玩家每赢一手都增加额外的25分,这称为“一条(apne)”或“一块(abox)”。