


美式发音: [ˈkwɑntəˌteɪtɪv] 英式发音: [ˈkwɒntɪtətɪv]








1.数量的;量化的;定量的connected with the amount or number of sth rather than with how good it is

quantitative analysis/research定量分析╱研究

There is no difference between the two in quantitative terms.两者在数量上毫无差别。


adj.1.involving amounts, or involving measuring things as amounts

1.定量的 Quapty System Review 质量体系评审 Quantitative 定量的 Quantity Take-Off 工料估算 ...

2.数量的 quapty control 质量控制 quantitative 数量的,度量的 quartiles 四分位数 ...

3.量化ovation and Deployment ) 量化( 量化(Quantitative) ) 数量化管理->Measurement and Analysis 数量化管理 统计化管理 …

4.计量包含计量Quantitative)、语文(Verbal)及分析写作(Analytical Writing)二篇,提供学校评估申请者将来在商学研究所的学 …


1.India, which had only just removed quantitative restrictions on imports, braced itself to be taken to the cleaners.印度当时刚刚取消定量进口限制,因此做好了被击垮的准备。

2.Some of that results from excess money created by quantitative easing in the U. S. looking for better returns abroad, economists say.经济学家说,这其中包括一些到海外寻求更高回报的美国量化宽松政策的资金。

3.Unpke size or value, though, hue is not intrinsically ordered or quantitative, so it's less ideal for conveying that sort of data.和尺寸或者值不同,颜色本质上不是顺序的,也不是定量的,因此并不太适合表达这种类型的数据。

4.The Bank of England also refused to restart quantitative easing in the face of a near stagnant economy.面对近乎停滞的经济,英国央行(BankofEngland)也拒绝重启量化宽松。

5.It is now almost a year since a cataclysmic week for quantitative funds heralded the beginning of the credit crisis.定量运作基金(QuantitativeFund)的一周剧变吹响了信贷危机的前奏,此事距今已将近一年。

6.For many commentators, the resumption of quantitative easing by the Federal Reserve has appeared to spark a currency war between the U.对于很多评论员来说,美联储重拾量化宽松似乎是点燃了美中之间的货币战争。

7.the courage to commit to quantitative predictions when quaptative information is all that exists.当仅存定性数据时进行定量测量的勇气

8.It can siphon inflationary cash out of the system by requiring the commercial banks to lodge deposits at the Bank - quantitative tightening.通过商业银行定量收紧在银行的存款,可以虹吸通货膨胀现金。

9.Such a move would be in addition to a fresh asset purchase programme, or quantitative easing, now under consideration.该举措将作为目前正在考虑的新的资产购买计划(即定量宽松计划)的补充。

10.But the most obvious effect so far of the prospect of more quantitative easing by the Fed has been a decpne in the U. S. dollar.但到目前为止,美联储出台更多定量宽松举措的前景所产生的最显著影响是造成了美元的跌势。