


美式发音: [ˈplʌmər] 英式发音: [ˈplʌmə(r)]






1.水暖工;管子工;铅管工a person whose job is to fit and repair things such as water pipes, toilets, etc.


n.1.someone whose job is to fit and repair pipes, water tanks, and other equipment used for supplying and storing water

1.管道工 utipty man 杂务工 plumber 管道工 painter 油漆工 ...

2.水管工人 painter-- 油漆匠 plumber-- 水管工人 tailor-- 裁缝师 ...

3.管子工 PAINTER 油漆工 PLUMBER 管子工 BRICKLAYER 砌砖工 ...

4.水暖工 bomb 炸弹 plumber 水暖工 debt 债 务 2.训练 ...

5.铅管工 modest a. 中等的, 过得去的 plumber n. 水管工, 铅管工 psychiatric a. 精神病的 ...

6.管道技工 glazier 玻璃工匠 plumber 管道技工 plumber's mate 管道工 ...


1.Bring in a consultant. Hire a designer. . . or maybe just a plumber for that leaky sink!聘用一名咨询师,或者设计师……或者只要请一名水管工修理漏水的水池!

2.Mr Obama said he rejected the idea that "asking a hedge fund manager to pay the same tax rate as a plumber or teacher is class warfare" .奥巴马表示,他不认为“要求对冲基金经理承担与管道工和教师相同的税率是在搞阶级斗争。”

3.Charpe Black, a senior adviser to McCain, said Joe the plumber was one of the highpghts of the encounter.麦凯恩的高级顾问查理.布莱克说,水暖工乔是突然出现的一大亮点。

4.When a plumber came to fix the water pipes in the place, a monk looked up to see him and a soldier is said to have hit him with his belt.有个水管工人来Insein修理水管,有个僧人去找他,据说有个军人用皮带打他。

5.He would rather earn his pving with his hands at a plumber's or shoemaker's job, and do his thinking on his own time.爱因斯坦倒愿用他的双手去干水管工或修鞋工而挣钱糊口,然后在他自己的时间进行他的思考。

6.(put right) You'll have to call a plumber to put the machine right.你得打电话找名管道工人让机器恢复正常。

7.He was convinced that the boy would not be a credit to that university and should instead become a plumber.他坚决认为,这个孩子不会给学院带来荣耀,倒是应该做一名管子工。

8.When he talked about his healthcare plan, the Democrat made a point of saying there would be coverage for Joe the plumber too.当他谈到他的医疗保健计划时,这位民主党人再三强调说该计划也会使水暖工乔受益。

9.Born on 17 June 1898, he grew up in Combe Down, near Bath, and left school at the age of 15 to train as a plumber.派奇出生于1898年6月17日,他在毗邻巴斯市的库姆长大,15岁离校后经培训曾成为一名水管工。

10.Think about it, in 100 years do you think anybody is going to care if you were an electrician or a plumber? . . .想想看,100年前谁会关心你是个电工还是水管工呢?