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un.1.city in southwestern Capfornia, home to the Capfornia Institute of Technology.2.city in southeastern Texas, a center of the oil industry.


2.帕萨迪纳市由帕萨迪纳市Pasadena)加州技术协会(Capfornia Institude of Technology)的生物工程师克里斯托弗·科赫(Christof Koch…

3.巴沙迪纳加州巴沙迪纳Pasadena)NASA喷射推进实验室(JPL)首席科学家祖瑞克(Rich Zurek)说:“现在是地区性尘暴。”“它的尘 …

4.帕沙迪纳  根据帕沙迪纳Pasadena)水电公司的水源保护计划经理隆(Nancy Long)表示:「在帕沙迪纳市,家家户户都有乾净的饮用 …

5.帕萨蒂纳金秋时节,位于加利福尼亚州帕萨蒂纳Pasadena)的加州理工学院,弥漫着兴奋­的气息。2001年11月的一个傍晚,校园中一 …

6.帕莎蒂娜面帕莎蒂娜(Pasadena)烘焙坊和平店 ,让一向喜爱吃三明治的我,实在很倾心。某日午后,找旧同事一起去喝咖啡聊是非。

7.沙迪那从巴沙迪那Pasadena)、亚凯迪亚 (Arcadia)、蒙罗维亚 (Monrovia)几个城市往北开车不到半小时,都可抵达,让华人城市坐 …

8.帕萨迪那位於加州帕萨迪那Pasadena)的NASA喷气推进实验室(JPL)负责斯必泽太空望远镜的管理工作,其科研工作则是在帕萨 …


1.It would be neither a venture capital fund nor a start-up incubator such as Bill Gross's IdeaLab in Pasadena, but a bit of both.它既不是风险投资基金,也不是像比尔•格罗斯(BillGross)在加州帕萨迪纳创立的IdeaLab那样的初创企业孵化器,而是两者兼而有之。

2.She wrote that she had become a Dodger fan while growing up in Pasadena.她写道,她在帕萨迪拉长大的时候成了道奇队的球迷。

3.I bet we could sell that sign all over Pasadena. Penny, can I talk to you for a minute ? Penny Well, here's the thing.我打赌这标语在帕萨迪纳各处,都能买个好价钱。可以过来谈下吗?,是这样的。

4."Erosion seems to be slower, " said David Kass, a Mars atmospheric scientist with NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Capf.“侵蚀的似乎要慢一些,”来自加利福尼亚州帕萨迪纳市的美国宇航局喷气推进实验室火星大气科学家DavidKass这样认为。

5.I mean, the headquarters of the OTO in North America is in Pasadena, you know.我的意思是,OTO设在北美的总部是在帕萨迪纳,你知道的。

6.And Munger did not immediately respond to a message left at his Pasadena office.而离开帕萨迪纳市的芒格也没有马上回复。

7.She earned rave reviews for her performance in the telefilm Sharing the Secret, and starred in Mike White's series for Fox, Pasadena.她在电视影片《分享秘密》中的表演赢得了如潮的好评,后来她又在迈克·怀特为福克斯公司拍摄的系列片《帕萨迪纳》中饰演主角。

8.On November 26 a prominent Pasadena attorney, depressed about money, shot and killed his wife, their two sons and himself.十一月二十六日,加州帕萨迪纳市的一位著名律师由于经济因素而意志消沉,枪杀了他的妻子和两个儿子并饮弹自尽。

9.I travel to Pasadena to learn about Doyle's work and am a bit flummoxed by his suggestion to meet not in his lab but in his gym.我到帕撒迪那向多伊尔学习,但是对他建议我在体育馆而不是他的实验室见他有一点迷惑。

10.Rights to marry the love of their pfe. . . rights to justice. . . -But in Pasadena , it was the church itself that protested Prop 8.与生命中的挚爱结婚的权利…获得公正的权利…-但在帕萨迪纳,是教堂自己在抗议第8号提案。