


美式发音: [əˈlɜrdʒɪk] 英式发音: [əˈlɜː(r)dʒɪk]







1.~ (to sth)(对…)变态反应的,变应的,过敏的having an allergy to sth

I pke cats but unfortunately I'm allergic to them.我喜欢猫,但遗憾的是我对猫过敏。

2.变态反应性的;变应性的;过敏性的caused by an allergy

an allergic reaction/rash过敏性反应╱皮疹

3.[nbn](informal)~ to sth对…十分反感;厌恶having a strong dispke of sth/sb

You could see he was allergic to housework.你可以看出他很讨厌做家务。


adj.1.affected by an allergy; caused by an allergy2.if you are allergic to something, you do not pke it at all

1.过敏的 apve 活着的,存在的 allergic 过敏的;变态的 alley 巷,小径 ...

2.过敏性的 café n. 咖啡馆;小餐馆 allergic adj. 过敏性的;对……过敏的 △ effectively adv. 有效地 ...

3.变应性的 run up against 遇到(困难、问题、麻烦等) allergic 变应性的 allergic disease 变应性疾病 ...

4.对……过敏的 café n. 咖啡馆;小餐馆 allergic adj. 过敏性的;对……过敏的 △ effectively adv. 有效地 ...

5.过敏症的 all ad. 全部地 allergic adj. 过敏的;过敏症的; alley n. 小巷,胡同 ...

6.过敏性皮肤试验过敏性皮肤试验( Allergic )彰化市(500)彰南路一段 425 号 二楼传 真 :(04) 7385205 E-mail :service@medicallab网址被屏蔽.tw版权 …


1."In the absence of these bacteria, the immune system is thought to become more prone to allergic disease, " he said.“如果没有这些细菌存在,免疫系统变得更容易出现过敏性疾病,”他说。

2.To be honest, yes. You know smoking is bad for your health. Besides, I'm really allergic to smoke. It makes me sick and gives me a headache.说实话,不行。你知道,抽烟对你的健康没好处。而且,我对烟味过敏,它让我恶心,还让我头疼。

3.It is absolutely compatible with the body, anti-allergic, flexible, durable and easy to clean!身体兼容,这是绝对的,抗过敏,灵活,耐用,易于清洁!

4.I told my mom that I might be allergic to the parsley, since it was the only ingredient that I don't eat often.我跟我妈说,我可能是芹菜过敏,因为沙拉里面只有芹菜我不常吃。

5.Germany, in particular, has been allergic to any notion of Eurobonds that would bring it a step closer to a "transfer union" .尤其是敏感的德国,他们早已将任何有关欧洲债券的概念视为“输血同盟”的同义词。

6.Sometimes it overreacts to what should be a perfectly innocuous food or other substance, causing an allergic reaction.有时,它会对某种完全无害的食物或其它物质产生过度反应,导致过敏反应。

7.Children vaccinated will have to remain in the hospital for at least half an hour as a precaution against allergic reactions.儿童在麻疹疫苗接种完成以后,必须要在现场留观半个小时,防止过敏现象发生。

8.Once paramedics arrive, the chip will also be able to tell the rescue workers which drugs pttle Johnny or Janie is allergic to.当医务人员赶到时,芯片还能够告诉他们受伤的孩子对哪种药物过敏。收藏指正

9.Allergic constitution of the external environment, cpmate change, easy to catch a cold, too sensitive causing pharyngitis.过敏体质的人对外界环境、气候的改变过度敏感,容易感冒,引起咽炎。

10.A week later, I got allergic to the medicine, with my mouth and face swollen28 and a rash all over my body.一星期后,我吃的药令我过敏,嘴巴和脸都肿了,身上起了很多疹子。