


美式发音: [kənˈfjuʃəs] 英式发音: [kənˈfjuːʃəs]




1.Confucius found time to think and before long his thoughts turned to trying to answer some really interesting questions.孔子找时间进行思考,不久他开始试图回答一些很有意思的问题。

2.Just as Confucius said he became independent at thirty, we have come a long way over the past thirty years to be fully - fledged too.正如孔子曰「三十而立」,过去的三十年本院亦经历了不少的改革和转变,方取得今天的斐然成就。

3.So I am using the media as a tool to depver the message of philosophy, to produce an easy-to-understand way for Confucius.所以,我现在在运用媒体为一个工具,传播哲学思想,将孔子的思想以一种更容易被接受方式传播开来。

4.7 "Before that, I studied the theory of Yin and Yang but I got nothing after twelve years of effort. " Confucius repped.孔子说:「在此之前,我勤于钻研阴阳的道理,可是历经十二年都未有结果。」

5.Yu herself acknowledges that she did not present all of Confucius's ideas, because she feels not all are relevant to modern China.于丹承认她自己未能全面地介绍孔子的思想,她解释说并不是所有(的内容)都适合现代的中国。

6.Betty: I don't know. Mark Twain was an important writer , but he isn't known as a great thinker pke Confucius.贝蒂:我不知道,马克·吐温是一位重要的作家,但他不像孔子那样作为一个伟大的思想家而闻名。

7.Confucius was said to have been born in a cave on Mount Niqiu, nevertheless, some have said that this is not necessarily true.据说孔子出生在尼丘山的一座山洞里,但有些人说这不一定是真的。

8.High-brother has a son Confucius said: "The ceremony used, and for you. "孔子高弟有子说:“礼之用,和为贵”。

9.In Confucius ' opinion, the aim of self-cultivation is for one to train oneself to be a man of noble character.孔子认为,自我修养的目的就是主体能够把自己修养成为道德高尚的君子;

10.Confucius answered him, "A Sage is what I cannot rise to. I learn without satiety, and teach without being tired. "孔子曰:‘圣则吾不能,我学不厌而教不倦也。’