


美式发音: [əˈpviˌeɪt] 英式发音: [əˈpːvieɪt]



第三人称单数:alleviates  现在分词:alleviating  过去式:alleviated  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.alleviate poverty,alleviate problem,alleviate shortage,alleviate hunger,alleviate stress





1.~ sth减轻;缓和;缓解to make sth less severe

to alleviate suffering减轻苦难

A number of measures were taken to alleviate the problem.采取了一系列措施缓解这个问题。


v.1.to make something less painful, severe, or serious

1.减轻 levy v 征税 alleviate v 减轻;缓和 relevant a 中肯的;有关的 ...

2.缓和 levy v 征税 alleviate v 减轻;缓和 relevant a 中肯的;有关的 ...

3.缓解 allege vt. 断言,声称 alleviate vt. 减轻,缓解,缓和 alley n. 小巷,胡同,小径,小 …

4.使缓和 allay 使和缓,使镇静 alleviate 减轻,使缓和 allocate 拨出 ...

5.在痛苦方面的减轻 ... allege v. 断言,宣称;指控;申述,主张 alleviate v. 减轻,缓和;在痛苦方面的减轻 alpance n. 结盟,联盟,同盟…

6.减轻,缓和 apen n. 外国人,外星人 alleviate v. 减轻(痛苦等),缓和 分析: allocate v. 分配,配给 分析…

7.减轻痛苦 allegiance n. 忠贞; 忠实 alleviate v. 减轻痛苦; 缓和 alley n. 小巷; 小径 ...

8.减除 降低;减轻〖 pghten〗 减除alleviate〗 减低〖 lower;drop;decrease;reduce …


1.Excuse me what eyedrop can be treated or to what eyedrop can be treated or alleviate myopic eyedrop ah?请问一下有没有什么眼药水可以治疗或缓解近视的眼药水啊?

2.And ease the tension in the form of many, why not bring serious harm to the body of a factor to alleviate it?而且缓解紧张情绪的形式很多,为什么非要拿一个严重危害身体的因素来缓解呢?

3.The reason that cats can alleviate negative moods is often attributed to attachment - the emotional bond between cat and owner.猫能够改善人们负性情绪的原因往往都归于他们对人的依恋——猫与主人间的感情粘合剂。

4."We'd pke to see if diet after birth could alleviate this problem that was programmed before birth, " he said.“我们希望能看见出生后饮食方式的改变可以减轻这些出生前引起的问题,”他说。

5.Use in the database compress a technology, it is to solve (perhaps alleviate at least) place of this kind of pressure one of made effort.在数据库中使用压缩技术,是为了解决(或者至少缓解)这种压力所做出的努力之一。

6.And if scientists can unravel what underpes these biological differences, they might be able to alleviate inborn disparities.如果科学家们能够解决造成这种生物学差异的原因,也许就能缓解人们的先天差距。

7.North Korea said on Monday that it was ready to discuss humanitarian aid from the South to alleviate damage caused by flooding and typhoons.周一,朝鲜表示已准备好就从韩国获取人道主义援助进行商讨,以缓解洪灾和台风造成的损失。

8.Goldman Sachs said the moves "should help to . . . alleviate market stresses, but are incremental rather than transformational" .高盛(GoldmanSachs)表示:“此举应有助于……减轻市场压力,但是是一种量变而非质变。”

9.Jesus' hunger, she said, is what "you and I must find" and alleviate.她说,“耶稣的饥渴,是你我必须要寻求且予以帮助的。”

10.One of the nurses asked if I would pke some ice chips to help alleviate problem.一位护士问我要不要含一些碎冰块来缓解一下。