


美式发音: [ˈmidiˌeɪt] 英式发音: [ˈmiːdieɪt]




第三人称单数:mediates  现在分词:mediating  过去式:mediated  同义词反义词





1.[i][t]调停;调解;斡旋to try to end a disagreement between two or more people or groups by talking to them and trying to find things that everyone can agree on

The Secretary-General was asked to mediate in the dispute.秘书长被请来调解这次纷争。

An independent body was brought in to mediate between staff and management.由一个独立机构介入,在劳资之间进行调解。

to mediate differences/disputes/problems调解分歧╱争端╱问题

2.[t]~ sth找到(解决分歧的)方法;促成…的解决to succeed in finding a solution to a disagreement between people or groups

They mediated a settlement.他们找到了一个解决方案。

3.[t][usupass]~ sth影响…的发生;使…可能发生to influence sth and/or make it possible for it to happen

Educational success is mediated by economic factors.经济因素影响着教育的成功。


v.1.调停,调解;传达(思想等)2.调解,斡旋,作中人仲裁 (between);处在中间,介于

v.1.to try to end a disagreement between two people or groups; to find an agreement or solution that settles a disagreement2.to influence or cause a process or event

1.调停 median a 中央的 mediate v 调停 mediation n 调解,仲裁 ...

2.调解 调节〖 regulate;adjust〗 调解mediate;makepeace〗 调控〖 regulateandcontrol〗 ...

3.斡旋 legislate 立法 mediate 调解,调停,斡旋 mediator 调停人,调解人 ...

4.调和 (4) 合;共同[ joint;common] (1) 调和;调整[ mediate] (4) 顺服[ obey] ...

5.中介 media n. 媒体 331, mediate a. 居间的,间接的 medieval a. 中古的,中世纪的 333, ...

7.排解 排挤〖 pushandsqueeze;crowd〗 排解mediate;reconcile〗 排空〖 gouptosky〗 ...

8.圆场 圆白菜〖 wildcabbage〗 圆场mediate〗 圆工〖 cometotheexpectedeffect〗 ...


1.When the two sides in an important industrial dispute reach deadlock the Secretary of State may attempt to mediate between them.当双方在一重要工业问题上出现僵局时,国务卿可能会出面进行调停。

2.A gateway acts as a proxy service, and you can use it to mediate protocols or to denote the interface available to a partition.一个网关充当一个代理服务,你可以使用它来协调协议或者表示一个划分上的可以利用的接口。

3.New technologies have been popping up all over the web to help mediate this 'information overload' problem.关于如何解决此类信息过载的问题,网上各种新技术层出不穷。

4.The UN treats the situation in Burma as if it is just a dispute between two sides, and they must mediate to find a middle ground.联合国完全把缅甸局势看作两派之间的争吵,它们非要居中调停找到中间立场。

5.His wife had a quarrel with his mother; he tried every means to mediate between them both.他妻子和他母亲发生口角,他在他们中间尽量调解。

6.After months of civil war, he said, Gaddafi was ready to negotiate a ceasefire and he needed Russia to mediate the talks.他说,经过了几个月的内战,卡扎菲准备谈判一个停火协议,但需要俄罗斯协调谈判。

7.Norway had a torrid time trying to mediate between the Tamil Tigers and the Sri Lankan government.挪威在泰米尔猛虎组织与斯里兰卡政府间艰难的斡旋。

8.I often act as a peacemaker, trying to mediate disputes between the wife and the husband.我经常充当和事佬,设法调解他们夫妻的争吵。

9.He understood that we could not mediate effectively until it was clear that our actions had not been extorted by Soviet pressure.他知道,除非清楚地表明我们的行动没有受到苏联压力的讹诈,否则我们是不能有效地进行斡旋的。

10.Following the beating-up of MDC leaders last March, South Africa's president, Thabo Mbeki, has been trying to mediate between the two sides.继2007年3月民主变革运动的多位领导人被毒打事件之后,南非总统塔博•姆贝基(ThaboMbeki)一直就在试图在两边调停。