



美式发音: [ˈdesɪm(ə)l] 英式发音: ['desɪm(ə)l]




复数:decimals  同义词





adj.1.relating to a counting system that has the number ten as its base unit

n.1.a number in a counting system based on the number ten that consists of numbers on either side of a decimal point. 0.5, 25.75, and 873.4 are all decimals.

1.小数 LENG 长度 DECIMALS 小数 CHK 表检查 ...

2.小数位 ... Popup< 弹出窗口> Decimals< 小数位> Abbreviation< 缩写> ...

3.小数位数 小数分隔符 POINT 小数位数 DECIMALS 星期开始于 FDOW ...

4.小数点 ... PreferredPasswordLength: 密码的长度 Decimals小数的位数 Lenth: 滑动 …

7.小数点后位数 Width: 变量所占的宽度。 Decimals小数点后位数。 Missing: 缺失值 …


1.Stored with a byte integer part of the back of each byte stored two decimals.通信中的数据解压缩。用一个字节存放整数部分,后面的每个字节存放两位小数。

2.It also defines language- specific items such as the format used for dates and time and the character used to separate decimals in numbers .它还定义语言特定项,例如,用于日期和时间的格式以及用于分隔数字中的小数的字符。

3.NOT expressible as an integer or as the root or quotient of integers. Used of numbers, especially nonrepeating infinite decimals.超越的不能表示为整数或整数的根或商的,用指来数字,尤其是无限不循环小数

4.for decimals, the length is the total number of digits that can be stored.而对小数来说,字长是可被存储的数字的总数。

5.As same as the essence of addition of whole numbers, the essence of addition of decimals is to combine two decimals into one.小数加法的意义与整数加法的意义一样,也是把两个数合并成一个数的运算。

6.Integers are whole numbers and do not contain decimals or fractions.整数是指不包含小数或分数部分的数。

7.Decimals of the same value in the partitioning key are treated identically, even if their scale and precision differ.对分区键中相同值的小数的处理是完全相同的,即使它们的标度和精度不同。

8.Amounts must be numbers (fractions or decimals), ranges of numbers, or blank.数量必须是数字(分数或者十进制),数字范围,或者空格。

9.The server interprets1 to 50 (including decimals) as a threshold percentage. The server interprets 1000 or above as the number of kilobytes.服务器视1到50(包括小数)作为阈值百分比,视1000及以上为千字节数。

10.Including: integers, properties of numbers, fractions and decimals.包括整数、数的性质、分数、小数和计算工具。