


美式发音: [dɪˈpɑzɪt] 英式发音: [dɪˈpɒzɪt]




第三人称单数:deposits  现在分词:depositing  过去式:deposited  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.deposit money,pay deposit,make deposit,leave deposit,give deposit

adj.+n.mineral deposit,refundable deposit




v.pay in,put in,put,put down,accumulate



1.[ususing]a ~ (on sth)订金;订钱a sum of money that is given as the first part of a larger payment

They normally ask you to pay $100 (as a) deposit.他们通常要求付 100 元(作为)订金。

We've put down a 5% deposit on the house.我们已支付了房款的 5% 作为订金。

2.[ususing]押金a sum of money that is paid by sb when they rent sth and that is returned to them if they do not lose or damage the thing they are renting

to pay a deposit付押金

3.存款a sum of money that is paid into a bank account

Deposits can be made at any branch.在任何一家分行都可以存钱。

4.竞选保证金(英国议员候选人预付,获得足够的票数则退还)(in the British poptical system) the amount of money that a candidate in an election to Parpament has to pay, and that is returned if he/she gets enough votes

All the other candidates lost their deposits .所有其余候选人都失掉了竞选保证金。


5.(地下自然形成的)沉积物,沉积层a layer of a substance that has formed naturally underground

mineral/gold/coal deposits矿床;金矿;煤藏

6.(尤指河流、洪水、液体等的)沉积物,淤积物a layer of a substance that has been left somewhere, especially by a river, flood, etc., or is found at the bottom of a pquid

The rain left a deposit of mud on the windows.雨水在窗上留下一层泥。

fatty deposits in the arteries of the heart心动脉中的脂肪沉积

v.放下put down

1.~ sb/sth + adv./prep.放下;放置to put or lay sb/sth down in a particular place

She deposited a pile of books on my desk.她把一摞书放在我的书桌上。

I was whisked off in a taxi and deposited outside the hotel.一辆出租车匆匆把我送到旅馆外面,让我下了车。

留存物质leave substance

2.~ sth使沉积;使沉淀;使淤积to leave a layer of sth on the surface of sth, especially gradually and over a period of time

Sand was deposited which hardened into sandstone.沙经沉积固结形成沙岩。


3.~ sth将(钱)存入银行;存储to put money into a bank account

Milpons were deposited in Swiss bank accounts.巨额款项存入了瑞士的银行账户。

4.~ sth付(订金);付(保证金);付(押金)to pay a sum of money as the first part of a larger payment; to pay a sum of money that you will get back if you return in good condition sth that you have rented

存放put in safe place

5.~ sth (in sth).~ sth (with sb/sth)寄放,寄存(贵重物品)to put sth valuable or important in a place where it will be safe

Guests may deposit their valuables in the hotel safe.旅客可将贵重物品寄存在旅馆的保险柜里。



v.1.to put or leave something somewhere2.to pay money into a bank account3.if a substance is deposited in the soil or in rock, it gradually gathers there and forms a layer4.to put something valuable in a safe place1.to put or leave something somewhere2.to pay money into a bank account3.if a substance is deposited in the soil or in rock, it gradually gathers there and forms a layer4.to put something valuable in a safe place

n.1.a first payment that you make when you agree to buy something expensive such as a car or house. The rest of the money that you pay later is called the balance2.an amount of money that you pay when you start to rent something such as an apartment or a car, that is returned to you when you stop renting it3.an amount of money that you pay into a bank account4.in the U.K., an amount of money that someone pays to become a candidate in an electionCandidates who do not get many votes do not get their deposit back after the election.5.a layer of a metal or another substance that has formed in soil or rock; a layer of a substance that gradually forms on or inside something1.a first payment that you make when you agree to buy something expensive such as a car or house. The rest of the money that you pay later is called the balance2.an amount of money that you pay when you start to rent something such as an apartment or a car, that is returned to you when you stop renting it3.an amount of money that you pay into a bank account4.in the U.K., an amount of money that someone pays to become a candidate in an electionCandidates who do not get many votes do not get their deposit back after the election.5.a layer of a metal or another substance that has formed in soil or rock; a layer of a substance that gradually forms on or inside something

1.存款 depletion asset 折耗性资产 deposit 存款,定金,保证金 deposit account 储蓄存款 …

2.押金 short lease 短租房; deposit 押金; water/telephone/electricity/gas bills 水/电话/电/煤气费; ...

3.定金 depletion asset 折耗性资产 deposit 存款,定金,保证金 deposit account 储蓄存款 …

4.保证金 depletion asset 折耗性资产 deposit 存款,定金,保证金 deposit account 储蓄存款 …

5.存放 dependent a. 依靠的,依赖的 deposit vt. 使沉淀;存放 depress vt. 使沮丧;按下 ...

6.储蓄 储蓄〖 save;haveadeposit;putaside〗 储蓄deposit〗 储油〖 oilstorage〗 ...

7.订金 dependent a. 依靠的,依赖的 deposit v. 存放;储蓄;(使)沉淀 n.存款 deserve vt. 应受,值得 ...


1.Once you finished doing your counts , don't forget to put the money in the night deposit at the bank .当你做完帐后,别忘了把钱存到银行的夜间保险箱。

2.A bank has the right to pay itself back out of your next deposit for any fees or overdraft loans that you owe.对于欠款不能及时偿还或透支贷款的一类人,银行有权在下一次存款中扣除所欠金额。

3.But there seems to me no reason why they should. The customer deposit base of a bank is far greater than the clearing balance.不过,我个人认为银行没有理由这样做,原因是个别银行的客户存款基础远远大过它的结算馀额。

4.Deposit interest rate's enhancement means that the bank cost the rise, the rate on loan reduces means the bank income the reduction.存款利率的提高意味着银行成本的上升,贷款利率的降低意味着银行收入的减少。

5.I can find the suitable apartment for you and I don't need deposit. The apartment will be near to your university.我可以找到符合你条件的公寓,不要押金,离你的大学还近。

6.How much security deposit did you pay? And when is the rent due?你付了多少保证金?租到什么时候啊?

7.He made his deposit, he says, after inspecting the bunker's hardened-steel doors, which are strong enough to repel a tank blast.他说在视察地下社区,看到了足以抵抗油罐爆炸的淬火钢门之后,他交了定金。

8.As is often the case in Africa, the customers enjoy the drink on the premises, the deposit on the bottles being too dear.这样的情况在非洲很普遍,顾客必须在店里享用饮料,因为瓶子的押金是相当贵的。

9.That deposit may be at any moMe. t withdrawn, and if I had employed it for another purpose, I should bring on Me. a disgraceful bankruptcy.那笔存款随时都有可能来提取,假如我拿它来充另外的用途,我就会给自己带来一次可耻的倒闭。

10.There was no agreement to euro-wide deposit insurance or to a common bank-resolution scheme.还未就欧元区范围的存款保险或共同的银行解体机制达成共识。