




1.共赢 872. 共同富裕 common prosperity 873. 共赢 all win 875. 购买力 purchasing power ...

2.双赢个别国家究竟放弃多少主权权力的问题,而是可能达到「双赢」(all win)的局面(Beck,1999a:149-150)。

3.全赢的海峡光缆1号不仅是两岸双赢(win win),更是大家都赢all win),因为两岸的通讯品质及速度明显提升,消费者就赢,业 …

5.双赢原则技术原则( New Technologies ) 双赢原则All Win )。

6.冻鱼高仿的你可以选冻鱼All Win)商版的选PROPPER的。收藏 分享 •常熟在哪里啊3回答2010-02-21 •哪里有卖07式迷彩服!


1.With its business concept of "speed, quapty and all-win" , CAIC dedicates to create the utmost value for its customers.公司坚持“速度、质量、共赢”的经营理念,为企业和客户创造最大价值;

2.Safety, Green, Harmony, All-Win. Zhuhai Cellulose Fibers Company produces the Golden Medal Tow with your cooperation.安全、绿色、和谐、共赢,珠海醋酸纤维有限公司与您共同打造金牌丝束。

3.Everything has been able to all-win and in health, was due to a "sub. "万物之所以能各得其和以生,是由于有“分”。

4.Some states are winner-take-all: win the primary, you win all of that state's delegates.有些州是赢者全赢的:赢得了初选,就赢得了该州所有代表的支持。

5.Growing with the customer, adhering to competition and cooperation, dedicate to all-win in cooperation and to create good value.与客户共成长,坚持竞合观念,致力于合作共赢,共创价值。

6.wel bioer cooperates with its cpents on the basis of equapty , mutual benefit and all - win.逢骏公司一贯以众商平等,互利共赢的准则与各方合作。

7.Commitment: To provide value-added, cooperative, and all-win services.服务宗旨:“增值、合作、共赢”。

8.Today, when we are striving for economic growth and an all-win world, China's opening drive also ushers in a new phase.今天,在促进经济发展、实现与世界共赢的同时,中国的对外开放也进入了一个新的时期。

9.There will be treats for making a minimum number of points, so they can all win.他们中即便得分最少的,也能得到奖赏,因此他们每一个人都是赢者。

10.I think we should all win. But that's not possible, so I really hope Brittani wins.我觉得我们都能淫,但那时不可能的。