


美式发音: [ˈkʌstərd] 英式发音: [ˈkʌstə(r)d]






1.[u]蛋奶沙司(通常与熟水果、布丁等一同食用)a sweet yellow sauce made from milk, sugar, eggs and flour, usually served hot with cooked fruit, puddings , etc.

apple pie and custard苹果馅饼加蛋奶沙司

2.[c][u](烤制的)蛋奶糕,蛋挞a mixture of eggs, milk and sugar baked until it is firm


n.1.a soft, firm sweet food made from a mixture of milk, eggs, and sugar; a sweet yellow sauce made from milk, eggs, and sugar

1.奶油冻 意式冰激凌 Spumoni 奶油冻 custard 羊乳酪 feta ...

2.蛋奶冻 3.=custody 监护,监禁,羁押 1.=custard 乳蛋糕 2.=custodian 管理人,监护人 ...

4.奶黄 boggle v. 犹豫, 不知是否应 custard n. 奶油蛋羹, 奶油冻 honk n. 雁叫声 ...

7.布丁 奶油松饼 cream puff 奶蛋饼 custard 烩蜜桃 stewed peach ...


1.Extracting usable advice from high promising books can be pke trying to nail custard pies to the side of a barn.从标题夸张的书中提取有用建议如同试着将蛋黄派钉在谷仓壁上一样。

2.Custard pudding and cof. . . Oh! sorry. It was very clumsy of me. Just a moment, please.鸡蛋布丁和……啊!抱歉,我真笨拙,请等一会儿。

3.The texture of soft tofu is similar to that of custard and subsequently soft tofu is best in a dessert tofu dish.软豆腐的质地跟果冻相似,随后软豆腐在甜品中做得最好的。

4.Another Royal , Queen Epzabeth the II was also served custard tart as the dessert for her recent 80th birthday celebration .在另外一位皇室成员——女王伊丽莎白二世80岁的寿宴上,蛋挞也被作为甜点款待宾客。

5.Farm labourers said that they always woke up to find the work had been done overnight. Hay had been custard cow sheds had been cleaned.雇工们说,常常一早起来发现有人在夜里把活干了,干草已切好,牛棚也打扫干净了。

6.To make matters even more difficult, the markets, pke circus clowns, always seem to have a custard pie at the ready.让公司雪上加霜的是,市场象马戏团小丑们总是已经准备好奶油蛋糕立即行动。

7.Pour custard through a medium-mesh sieve into a bowl set in ice-water bath. Let cool completely, stirring often.通过中筛网把奶油冻倒入冰水盆内的碗中.让它完全冷却,这常常时最为激动人心的时刻了。

8.These ingredients are usually arranged in layers with fruit and sponge on the bottom, and custard and cream on top.水果和海绵蛋糕放在下层,蛋奶沙司和奶油放在上层。

9."This" was an Austrapan recipe for apple crumble with hot custard.她说的“这个”是一种澳大利亚式制作苹果泥的方法。

10.Surprisingly, custard was sold as a health food in the United States during the nineteenth century.令人惊讶的是,十九世纪时蛋奶冻在美国被当成健康食品贩售。