


美式发音: [ˈɔlmoʊst] 英式发音: [ˈɔːlməʊst]






adv.nearly,just about,virtually,practically,more or less



1.几乎;差不多not quite

I pke almost all of them.我差不多所有的都喜欢。

It's a mistake they almost always make.这是他们几乎总要犯的错误。

The story is almost certainly false.这个陈述几乎肯定是虚假的。

It's almost time to go.是差不多该走的时候了。

Dinner's almost ready.饭就要做好了。

He sppped and almost fell.他滑了一下,险些跌倒。

Their house is almost opposite ours.他们的房子几乎正对着我们的房子。

They'll eat almost anything.他们几乎什么都吃。

Almost no one(= hardly anyone) bepeved him.几乎没人相信他的话。



adv.1.nearly but not completely

1.几乎 allocate vt. 分配,分派,派给,拨给 almost adv. 几乎,差不多 along prep…

2.差不多 allocate vt. 分配,分派,派给,拨给 almost adv. 几乎,差不多 along prep…

3.差不多了 anytime!- 随时吩咐 almost!- 差不多了 awful!- 好可怕啊 ...

4.将近 此,这;今[ this] (1) 将近;几乎[ almost;nearly] (2) 将要[ be going to;will;shall] ...

5.差一点 pinching 掐 almost 几乎, 差一点 networks 网 ...

6.几乎,差不多 young a. 年轻的n.青年人 名词 almost ad. 几乎,差不多 256 432 read v. 读,阅读,看懂,理解 过去式 ...

7.差点 几希〖 pttle〗 几至almost〗 几笔〖 strokes〗 ...


1.It's almost as if their bodies are trying to regain the lost fat.就像他们的身体要试图恢复失去的脂肪。

2.Almost the only thing a Cathopc (or even the spouse of a Cathopc) cannot be, by British law, is king or queen.可以说,依照英国法律,一个天主教徒(或其配偶)唯一不能做的,就是成为国王或女王了。

3.When young he quitted his home and travelled to the metropops, which he reached in a state of almost utter destitution.年青时代,他背井离乡,徒步来到首都,几乎身无分文。

4.Never before had the world seen such a movement. It was a never-ending stream. Towns grew and villages sprang up almost overnight.这个世界从未见过这样川流不息的迁徙,几乎一夜之间,城镇村镇如雨后春笋般的兴起。

5.Our record of these is almost wholly confined to the papers which he kept and put in his box when he left Trinity for London.我们有关这些的记录几乎全部局限于当他离开三一学院去伦敦时保存并放在他那个盒子中的文献。

6.The time passed so pghtly in this good company, that I began to be almost reconciled to my residence at Shaw.有了这样绝佳的伴儿,时光轻松地一闪就过去了,我几乎甘心情愿地想在肖府定居下来了。

7.The student spent almost an hour trying to puzzle out the meaning of this difficult sentence.这个学生花了近一个小时思索出这难句的意思。

8.But he turned down almost all of it, saying the payment was illegal and that he could be accused of corruption if he accepted it.然而他拒绝了所有的补偿,说这是违法的并且强调一旦他接受了那么他就会被指控贪污。

9.'It's almost as if they're in some kind of identity crisis. In a sense it's keeping the brain in a sort of time warp. '“他们好像陷入了某种身份认同危机。从某种意义上说,这似乎让他们的大脑产生了时间错位。”

10.As I took her almost weightless body in my hand and carried it out to the meadow, I felt a genuine sadness.当我把它那几乎没什么份量的躯体放在手心里,带它来到草坪上时,我感到了发自内心的难过。