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网络释义:数据访问层(Data Access Layer);达美航空(Delta Air Lines);数据层(Data Layer)


DAL— see alsodhal


1.数据访问层(Data Access Layer)


5.达美航空公司  航空板块受到了达美航空公司(DAL)的财报影响。达美航空公司(Delta Air Lines,DAL)宣布第二财季业绩低于市场预期,同时宣 …

6.十升),公石(hl),十升(dal),升(L),分升(dl),厘升(cl),毫升,立方毫米,桶(42加仑),加仑(gal),夸脱(qt),品脱(pt),及耳(gi), …


1.Ms. Dal Bo says she has no problem expressing her anger: Sometimes she gets so upset with her husband that she won't talk to him for days.达尔-波说,她在表达愤怒方面没什么问题:有时她被她丈夫气得要命,以至于几天都不和他说话。

2.Pastries can be found up and down the trail, and Yak steaks, or Nepal's native dish Dal Bhat, can supply much-needed protein.酥油点心和牦牛肉在旅行中随处可见。尼泊尔的传统食品刀勒巴(DalBhat)可以提供必要的蛋白质。

3.The use of a toroï dal transformer with a ferrite core will be better to minimize the HF losses in the core.一个环形变压器的铁芯将更好地使用,以尽量减少核心的高频损失。

4.a mess of rice, cooked with butter and dal and flavoured with a pttle spice and shred onion.用大米混合着黄油和蚕豆豌豆并加入少许香料和洋葱切丝煮成的印度风味米饭

5.Figure 1 illustrates the architectural relationships among the presentation layer, BLL, and DAL.图一向我们展示了表示层、BLL以及DAL三者之间的结构关系。

6.Kashmiri worker painstakingly cleans Dal Lake in Srinagar, in Indian-administered Kashmir, of the weeds that clog its surface.位于印控克什米尔地区首府斯利那加的达尔湖上,一名克什米尔工人小心地清理着覆盖河面的杂草。

7.Kashmiri boys sits on a parapet of the Dal Lake as a boat man rows his boat in the backdrop of the setting sun in Srinagar, June 14.克什米尔男孩坐在船的人行作为他对在斯利那加,6月14日夕阳的背景下艇上的达尔湖栏杆。

8.We can't just do what you want. I guess I could give you the DAL framework we used to build our DAL, I suppose.我们不能按你想的那样做,我想我可以给你我们用于构建数据访问层的数据访问层框架,我猜测。

9.Thank you for allowing me to speak, A'dal.感谢你愿意让我开口,阿达欧。

10.Mr. Jones. I'd pke you to meet Mr. Dal, our financial manager.Jones先生,我帮您介绍我们的财务经理,戴先生