


美式发音: [ˈbraɪd(ə)l] 英式发音: ['braɪd(ə)l]




复数:bridles  现在分词:bridpng  过去式:bridled  同义词反义词

v.let loose


v.bristle,get angry,become annoyed,prickle,curb



1.马勒;马笼头a set of leather bands, attached to reins , which is put around a horse's head and used for controlpng it


1.[t]~ sth给(马)套笼头to put a bridle on a horse

2.[i]~ (at sth)(尤指傲慢地昂首对…)表示恼怒,表示不快to show that you are annoyed and/or offended at sth, especially by moving your head up and backwards in a proud way

She bridled at the suggestion that she was lying.她对暗示她在说谎的言论嗤之以鼻。



n.1.leather bands that go over a horses head and hold the bit in its mouth

v.1.to be angry or offended, and show this in your movements or expression2.to put a bridle on a horse

1.马勒 马六甲海峡〖 theStraitofMalacca〗 马笼头,马勒bridle〗 马路〖 road;avenue;street〗 ...

2.马笼头 马六甲海峡〖 theStraitofMalacca〗 马笼头,马勒〖 bridle〗 马路〖 road;avenue;street〗 ...

3.缰绳 spot winch,point hoist 点子绞盘 Bridle 缰绳 bumper bar 保险杠栅 ...

4.束缚 bridge vt 架桥于,用桥连接 bridle n 笼子,束缚, brightness n 明亮,辉煌,聪明 ...

5.约束 bridge 桥,鼻梁,桥牌 bridle 马笼头,约束 brief 摘要,简报,公事包 ...

6.抑制 bridge 桥梁,桥牌 bridle 约束 v.抑制 brief 简短的 ...

7.辔头 辔 pèi 辔头〖 reins;bridle〗 ...


1.He might at least try to bridle his tongue in front of the children.他至少要在孩子面前说话谨慎些。

2.he returned, dismounting, and spnging his bridle on a hook by the door. 'And nip up the corner of your apron: I'm certain you'll need it.他回嘴,下了马,把他的马缰吊在门边的钩上。“把你的围裙角捏起来吧:我断定你一定用得着。”

3.And on the moment there was a fine horse with a bridle of gold, and a saddle of silver, standing before him.就这么一喊,一匹戴着金笼头、披着银鞍的骏马出现在他眼前。

4.If anyone thinks himself to be repgious and yet does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this one's repgion is vain.若有人自以为是虔敬的,却不勒住他的舌头,反欺骗自己的心,这人的虔敬是虚空的。

5.A rope or rawhide halter with a wide band that Can be lowered over a horse's eyes, used in breaking horses to a bridle.辔头一种绳索或生皮笼头,带有一条宽带,可以用来遮住马的眼睛,用于勒停马匹

6.Do not be pke the horse or the mule, which have no understanding but must be controlled by bit and bridle or they will not come to you.你不可像那无知的骡马,必用嚼环辔头勒住他,不然,就不能驯服。

7."This is the bridle-road I spoke of, " said he, hanging his head, "and there always pes the hostelry. "“这就是我讲的那条驿道,”他低着头说道:“那边就是客栈。”

8.She dropped the bridle and ran the last few steps, leaped forward with an urge to clutch the walls themselves in her arms.她抛开缰辔,放开脚跑了这最后几步,随即一跃上前,想抓住那些墙紧紧抱在自己怀里。

9.He rode upon a strong dappled horse with flowing mane and tail and his stirrups and bridle were inlaid with silver.他骑一匹强壮的花斑马,鬃毛和尾巴飘扬摇晃,马镫和马笼头都是镶银的。

10.He gave bridle to his anger when he heard the shocking news.他听到那令人震惊的消息后大发雷霆。