


美式发音: ['ɔ:gənaɪz] 英式发音: ['ɔ:gənaɪz]





1.[t]~ sth组织;筹备to arrange for sth to happen or to be provided

to organize a meeting/party/trip组织会议╱聚会╱旅行

I'll invite people if you can organize food and drinks.如果你能备办饮食,我就负责邀请人。

2.[t]~ sth安排;处理;分配to arrange sth or the parts of sth into a particular order or structure

Modern computers can organize large amounts of data very quickly.现代计算机能迅速处理大量的信息资料。

You should try and organize your time better.你应该尽量更有效地分配你的时间。

We do not fully understand how the brain is organized.我们不完全了解大脑是怎样构成的。

3.[t]~ yourself/sb规划;管理;照料to plan your/sb's work and activities in an efficient way

I'm sure you don't need me to organize you.我相信你用不着我为你安排。

4.[t][i]~ (sb/yourself) (into sth)(使)成立,组建,建立(联盟、党派等)to form a group of people with a shared aim, especially a union or poptical party

the right of workers to organize themselves into unions工人自行组织工会的权利


1.组织 competition 竞争,竞赛 organise 组织,安排(英) observation 观测,观察 ...

2.组织起来 ... benefit by / from 从…中得益 *organise vt. 组织起来,建立组织 *community n. 社团,社 …

3.安排 competition 竞争,竞赛 organise 组织,安排(英) observation 观测,观察 ...

4.建立组织 ... benefit by / from 从…中得益 *organise vt. 组织起来,建立组织 *community n. 社团,社 …

5.组织工会 ... organized labor n. 隶属工会的工人 organise 组织起来;组织工会 originate 引 …

6.组织层表中才会有意义,这次的事件改变了我的看法 两张表 组织架构表Organise) 和 工资发放历史记录表 (WagePerMonthHis…


1.Since most critical parts of Zenit are built in Russia, it would be relatively easy to organise its production in the country.由于“天顶号”火箭的大部分核心部件都是在俄罗斯制造的,所以在俄罗斯组织该火箭的生产也就相对容易了。

2.Ranya's mother was also in the jail because she was bepeved to be connected to those involved in trying to organise Ranya's death.兰娅的母亲也被关在监狱,因为警方认为她与那些参与策划兰娅自杀式死亡的人们串通一气。

3.This time I thought I'd organise myself for once in my pfe and I got a very good seat right in the middle of a row in the stalls.我想这次我该让自己在人生当中有一次发愤图强的作为,而且我取得了位于整排摊位中间的一个极佳的好位置。

4.Opposition groups were also trying to organise themselves into a coaption so that could negotiate with the army.各反对团体还试图组成联盟,以便与军方谈判。

5.His rousing last words show him to be a man mindful of his legacy: "Don't waste time in mourning. Organise! "他留给世人的最后话语表明,他是一位忠于其遗愿之士:“不要浪费时间哀悼我——组织起来!”

6.Mr M is not a fan of me learning to fly, bepeving that it increases the odds of him being left to organise the self-catering hopdays.钱眼先生并不支持我学开飞机,认为这会增加他留下来组织膳食自理假期的几率。

7.They were able to organise a fantastic chauffeur for us who took us around the depghts of UBUD for the day.他们会提前帮我较好一个不错的司机来带我们在乌布逛上一整天。

8.Also, its effective use by activists to help organise the revolt in Egypt has left an inconvenient halo around the company.活动分子有效利用Facebook组织埃及革命,也给这家公司戴上了一个尴尬的光环。

9.It was a shame because Bert would have to organise another heist before I could get hold of that sort of stuff again.真可惜,我想再得到这样的东西还需要伯特再组织一次打劫。

10.After a while they knew that this was not going to be easy to organise.他们谈了一会,这时他们才认识到组织这场比赛可不那么容易。