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网络释义:施舍(almsgiving);救济品;美国勒芒系列赛(American Le Mans Series)





1.施舍物;救济金money, clothes and food that are given to poor people


n.1.money, food, or clothes given to poor people

1.施舍(almsgiving) 09 Вишневый сад/樱桃园_ Cherry Orchard 10 Милостыня/施舍_ Alms 12 Дружба/友谊_ Friendship ...

2.救济金 ankle n. 踝 alms n. [单复数同]施舍物;救济金 annals n. 年鉴,纪年表 ...

3.救济品 almond 杏树,杏仁 alms 施舍物,救济品 ambience 环境,气氛 ...

4.施舍物 ankle n. 踝 alms n. [单复数同]施舍物;救济金 annals n. 年鉴,纪年表 ...

5.美国勒芒系列赛(American Le Mans Series) almost adv. 几乎;差不多 alms n. 布施,施舍 aloud adv. 出声地,大声地 ...

7.周济 alpgator n. 水陆两用战车;短吻鳄 alms n. 施舍;周济;布施 alpine a. 高山的;阿尔卑斯山 …


1.An alms of fish can only cope with one's meal. But if you taught him the skill of fishing, it would be profitable to him for pfetime.一条鱼的施赠,仅能应付一餐之需,授予捕鱼之术,将使他人终身收益。

2.He began to be known in the neighborhood under the name of the beggar who gives alms.附近一带的人开始称他为“给钱的化子”。

3.And he said unto him, Thy prayers and thine alms are come up for a memorial before God.天使说,你的祷告,和你的周济,达到神面前已蒙记念了。

4.Take heed that ye do not your alms before men, to be seen of them: otherwise ye have no reward of your Father which is in heaven.你们要小心,不可将善事行在人的面前,故意叫他们看见。若是这样,就不能得你们天父的赏赐了。

5.While standing in the heart of the lotus, the Great Being poured the alms food into the bowl of the Silent Buddha.这位大善人站在莲花的中心,把食物倒进了寂静佛的碗中。

6.And he said, Cornepus, your prayer has been heard and your alms have been remembered before God.哥尼流,你的祷告已蒙垂听,你的周济在神面前已蒙记念了。

7.The next day, when it was time to go collect alms food from the supporter of the monastery, the village monk rang the temple gong.第二天,到了去支助者那里化缘的时间,乡村和尚便敲起了庙里的钟。

8.And he said to him, Your prayers and your alms have ascended as a memorial before God.天使对他说,你的祷告和你的周济,已经上达神面前,蒙记念了。

9.The economist Gregory Clark, author of "A Farewell to Alms, " calls it the only story of economic development.《向施舍说再见》一书的作者,经济学家GregoryClark称这种模式为经济发展的唯一模式。

10.And the old lady gave the old soldier alms, and went into the church with Karen.老太太送了几个银毫给这兵士,然后便带着珈伦走进教堂里去了。