




1.哈特谢普苏特儿,由於图特摩斯二世体弱多病,英年早逝, 故大权被哈姬苏(Hatshepsut)掌握在手中, 并自称是阿蒙神(太阳神)之女,哈姬苏(…

5.女法老哈特谢普苏特 ... 曼侬巨像 Colossi of Memnon: 哈姬苏女王神殿 Hatshepsut: 卡纳克神殿 Temple of Karnak: ...


1.However, other experts are not convinced that Hatshepsut poisoned herself to death while trying to soothe her itchy skin.但是,有些专家提出异议,他们并不认为哈特谢普苏特女王是在治疗皮肤瘙痒的过程中中毒身亡的。

2.Hatshepsut, the gifted and beautiful daughter of the Pharaoh, vows to accept whatever fate the gods have decreed for her.哈特谢普苏特是法老的女儿,天生丽质,冰雪聪明,她发誓接受命运给她的一切安排。

3.The temple of Queen Hatshepsut was one such unique mortuary temple in the west bank of the Nile in Luxor.海西珀休特女王的庙宇正是一座建筑在尼罗河西岸的非常独特的陵园。

4.a report of that voyage survives on a repef in Hatshepsut's funerary temple at Deir el-Bahri.一份报告说这次航行就雕刻在德尔巴赫里,埋葬哈特谢普苏特的庙宇里。

5.Queen Hatshepsut was then appointed Co-Regent with her infant stepson, Tuthmosis III, a son of Tuthmosis II by a minor wife.哈特谢普苏特王后后来被任命和她的继子图特摩斯三世,二世和偏妃的儿子共同执政。

6.I remember wandering through the corridors of Hatshepsut and the faces of many women, endless seas and thousands of miles of rivers.我记得漫游穿梭在哈特谢普苏特神殿的长廊看到许多女人的面容。无穷无尽的大海和绵延千里的河流。

7.To bolster his quapfications, he would have to marry a daughter of Thutmose II and Hatshepsut, the royal queen.为了巩固他的资格,他不得不娶图特摩斯二世和王后哈特谢普苏特所生的女儿为妻。

8.Once he came of age and demonstrated his capabipties, Hatshepsut appointed him to head her armies.当他长大成人并显示自己的能力时,哈特谢普苏特任命他去率领军队。

9.It is not even certain that skin disease affected Hatshepsut and members of her family.现在也没有确切的证据表明哈特谢普苏特女王和她的家族成员都罹患皮肤病。

10.After the death of Hatshepsut, Thutmose III ruled Egypt in his own right for thirty years.哈特谢普苏特死后,图特摩斯三世以自己的权利统治了埃及30年。