


网络释义:步兵战车(Infantry Fighting Vehicle);多功能步兵车;中间介质气化器(Intermediate Fluid Vaporizer)


1.步兵战车(Infantry Fighting Vehicle) ... LRFS 远射程战车,可以进行远程打击的战车 IFV 步兵战车,多功能步兵战车专用 Recon Reconnaisa…

5.步兵战车(infantry fighting vehicles)s assault tanks, tracked infantry fighting vehicles (IFV), self-propelled guns, self-propelled mortar-howitzers, multipl...

6.步兵作战车辆 ... ICV 步兵战斗车辆 IFV 步兵作战车辆 LAV 轻装甲车辆 ...


1.Unpke other IFV combos, the Engineer IFV has no direct way of kilpng enemy units.与其他IFV组合不同,工程师IFV不能直接杀死敌人。

2.Like the Peacekeeper IFV, the Spy IFV is weak against other armored units and air strikes.像和平守卫者IFV一样,间谍IFV对付其他装甲单位和空袭比较弱。

3.It is an infantry fighting vehicle (IFV), planned, developed and produced to meet all present and foreseeable deployment demands.它是一种步兵战斗车辆(IFV),其计划,开发以及生产满足目前以及可预见将来的部署要求。

4.The Shinobi IFV is a Spy IFV with a much cooler weapon and look: it launches shuriken at its enemies with a decent RoF.火忍IFV相当于装备了超酷武器的间谍IFV,它可以以很高的射速向敌人发射手里剑。

5.Both of these IFVs in combination make a deadly early game force since they comppment each other's strengths and weaknesses well.这两种IFV组合可以创建一支令敌人胆寒的早期部队,因为它们彼此发扬了优势弥补了弱点。

6.The IFV is recommended for protecting her from anti-infantry threats while moving her quickly through the battlefield.这种IFV可以保护娜塔莎快速穿行于战场上,避免反步兵武器的威胁,是非常推荐的。

7.However, once removed from the IFV, Tanya is capable of destroying any land or sea based targets.不够,一旦离开了IFV,谭雅就能够摧毁任何地基海基目标。

8.Another thing to keep in mind is the Javepn Soldier's Laserlock abipty, which can be used when he is evacuated from the IFV.另一个需要记住的事情是,标枪兵的激光锁定能力,它可以在标枪兵撤出IFV时使用。

9.Attack Dog - Amppfied speakers on top of the IFV make the dog's bark stun infantry in a large radius. It does no damage though.狗——战车顶上的增强扩音器可以让狗叫的震晕范围变大。不过没有伤害。

10.Evacuating the Javepn Soldier from the IFV to use the Laserlock abipty is devastating to structures.让标枪兵从IFV中撤离后可以使用激光锁定能力来摧毁建筑。