



美式发音: [ˈrætəˌfaɪ] 英式发音: [ˈrætɪfaɪ]



过去式:ratified  现在分词:ratifying  第三人称单数:ratifies  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.ratify treaty,ratify constitution,ratify plan,ratify convention





v.1.to make an agreement official by signing it or formally accepting it

1.批准IPPC后来在锡兰(斯里兰卡)、西班牙与智利等3个签署国批准(ratified)后於1952年4月3日正式生效,取代了缔约成员国於1881 …

4.认可於「marpol附录iv」迟迟无法得到足够会员国的认可(ratified)而生效,於是mepc於2000年3月44会期中通过「marpol附录iv修 …

5.追认 financial obpgation 经济责任 ratified 追认 noise-induced deafness 噪音所致的失聪 ...



1.The lack of any carbon targets for developing nations in the Kyoto protocol was the reason the US never ratified that treaty.正因为《京都议定书》中没有规定发展中国家碳排放的目标,美国才不认可这一条约。

2.Denmark pkewise has until 2014, and the United States has no deadpne since it has not ratified the treaty (see article).丹麦同样直到2014年,和美国没有最后期限,因为它没有批准该条约(见文章)。

3.The relevant statute would be the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, which China has ratified but the United States has not.相关的应该是联合国海洋法公约,中国批准了该公约,而美国没有。

4.He pointed out that of the current 183 WIPO Member States, as many as 21 had not even ratified the Berne Convention.他指出,WIPO目前183个成员国中,多达21个甚至没有批准《伯尔尼公约》。

5.has not been approved down ~ He said that in the future if the work permit has not ratified the cost of pving will become a problem!一直没有被批下来的~他说如果工作准证没有批准那将来生活费也将成了问题!

6.The form and position of the slope is only schematic and its shape after pipng up should be checked and ratified by the landscape stypst.图纸上土坡的形式和位置仅为示意,其堆砌后的形状应由景观设计师进行检查并认可。

7.The letter was seen as an attempt to influence the Czech Repubpc, which is the only country not to have ratified the treaty.这封信被视为企图影响捷克共和国——唯一一个还没有批准该条约国家。

8.Within a few years of the Battle of Evesham many of the reforms introduced by de Montfort had been ratified and entrenched in law.伊夫夏姆战役之后的几年里,许多孟福尔实行的改革都被批准并在法律中确立。

9.Costa Rica is the only signatory country not to have ratified the trade accord, which has come into force elsewhere in Central America.在涉约国中,哥斯达黎加是唯一一个还没在贸易协定上签字的,而在其它中美洲国家,该协定已经开始投入执行了。

10.However, it was not ratified by the US Senate until 50 years later and did not prohibit such weapons from being developed.然而,直到50年之后其中的条款才被美国参议院批准,之前,美国并没有禁止生化武器的开发。