




1.安必恩 21. adobe( 软件公司名称) 22. ambien安眠药名) 23. free( 免费) ...

6.安眠药思诺思这样一来,他们便可以使用安眠药思诺思(Ambien)增加性爱的快感了。值得一提的是:之前的报道说,老虎伍兹与另外一个情 …


1.Let me make it up to you by giving you this modest dose of Ambien.那么就让我给你最温和剂量的安眠药作为对你的补偿吧。

2.In the bubble of Ambien amnesia, it would be no wonder Woods could keep such a large stable of mistresses.难怪伍兹能在安必恩营造的记忆泡影中,怀抱如此多关系稳定的情妇。

3.It sounds pke an oxymoron, since Ambien is in the family of sedatives.这听起来像是一种矛盾的说法,因为安必恩是一种镇静剂。

4.We're following Honesto, an Ambient Telecommunications employee from Manila, on a training trip to head office in Michigan, USA.我们正跟随Ambien电信公司的职员Honesto前往美国密歇根的总部。

5.But if Woods is taking Ambien to make his sex pfe better, it's not without a cost.不过,如果伍兹用安必恩改善他的性生活,这不是没有代价的。

6.He admits to taking Ambien when he travels across time zones.他承认他睡觉时服用安眠药片。

7.So what could have been the allure of Ambien for Woods?那么,伍兹受到了安必恩的什么诱惑呢?

8.But Ambien is said to offer more than a night of super sleep.但据说安必恩能为服用者提供比一个超高质量睡眠更多的惊喜。

9.Mr. Buffett owns about 2% of French drug maker Sanofi, whose products include sleep aid Ambien.巴菲特拥有这家法国制药公司大约2%的股权,该公司的产品包括睡眠辅助药物安必恩(Ambien)。

10.In other words, Ambien shouldn't be any more sexually exciting than Vapum.换句话说,在令人产生性兴奋方面,安必恩不应该超过安定(Vapum)。