


美式发音: [ˈflɑtsəm] 英式发音: [ˈflɒtsəm]







1.(冲上岸或漂浮水面的)船只残骸,碎木,零碎杂物;废料parts of boats, pieces of wood or rubbish/garbage, etc. that are found on land near the sea or floating on the sea; any kind of rubbish/garbage

The beaches are wide and filled with interesting flotsam and jetsam .海滩宽阔,到处是有趣的被冲上岸的零碎杂物。

2.无家可归者;失业流浪者people who have no home or job and who move from place to place, often rejected by society

the human flotsam of inner cities内城区无家可归的流浪者


n.1.things that you find floating in the ocean or lying on the beach, especially parts of a ship that has sunk2.things that are lying around a place in a messy way3.an insulting word for people who have no homes or jobs

1.浮货 macadam n (铺路用的)碎石,碎石路 flotsam n 浮货,废料,零碎 mangle v. 撕成碎片,压碎 | ...

2.废料 united adj. 团结,和睦 flotsam n. 漂流货物,废料 reconnaissance n. 侦查,搜索 ...

3.漂浮物 driftwood 漂流木,浮木 flotsam 1. 漂浮残骸,漂浮物 aimless 1. 漂浮不定的,漫 …

4.零碎物 celestial 天体的 flotsam 浮货, 废料, 零碎物 fuzzy 模糊的, 失真的 ...

5.漂流货物 united adj. 团结,和睦 flotsam n. 漂流货物,废料 reconnaissance n. 侦查,搜索 ...

6.飘浮的残骸 floppy 软磁盘 flotsam 飘浮的残骸 flow alarm 水流警报装置 ...

7.漂浮残骸 driftwood 漂流木,浮木 flotsam 1. 漂浮残骸,漂浮物 aimless 1. 漂浮不定的,漫 …


1.I don't have to tell you about the information mess, of which that email is just one tiny but toxic piece of flotsam.我不必告诉你有关信息的混乱,这封不实邮件不过是信息垃圾的沧海一粟罢了,而且我们不知道自己什么时候会沦陷。

2.The prevaipng currents cause flotsam from around the world to accumulate in a vast becalmed patch of ocean.季节性洋流把全世界的废物带到这片辽阔而平静的海面。

3.Steve Jobs did not waste his time or ours with similar flotsam.乔布斯则不会在这些没用的东西上浪费他或者我们的时间。

4.Take me, take me now and hold me deep inside your ocean body, wash me as some flotsam to the shore, there leave me lying evermore!就拿我来说,现在拿我和抱我深层在你的海洋的身体,洗一些在岸边废料我,我躺在那里离开永中!

5.Memories, emotions, conditioning and all sorts of other mental flotsam taint every new experience you gain.记忆、情感、条件反射和其他各种心理碎片会改变我们每一个全新的体验。

6.Afloat on a boat or flotsam, they will be dragged inland with the flow until a reverse slosh begins, the water flowing back into its bed.他们漂浮在小船和残骸上,随着水流被拖拽进入了内陆地区,接着一股相反的水流开始泼溅过来,海水又流回到了海床里。

7.The other early fauna on Flores probably got there by swimming or accidentally drifting over on flotsam.弗洛瑞斯岛其他的早期动物移民,也许是游泳,或意外地乘坐漂流物到岛上的。

8.They are the flotsam of unsettled poverty and the repackaged gifts of unhinged circumstances.他们是生活不稳定的贫民,也是精神错乱的包装礼品。

9.After the tsunami occurred, there was much flotsam and jetsam.地震海啸发生后,就有许多飘浮在水面或冲到岸上的残骸和杂物。

10.The flotsam and jetsam of war hoping for a miracle.战争的弃儿们渴望奇迹能够发生。