


美式发音: [əˈmerɪkə] 英式发音: [ə'merɪkə]





n.1.[Geography]a landmass comprising North America, South America, and Central America2.[Country]the United States of America

1.美国 马来西亚/ Malaysia 美国/ America 美国/ U.S.A. ...

2.美洲 幻影天空 Apparition Sky 美洲 America 紫水晶 Amethyst ...

3.美利坚 always ad. 总是,无例外地 America n. 美国,美洲 American a. 美国的 n.美国人 ...

5.美洲风格 I - Ivy 常春藤 A - America 美洲风格 I - Individuapty 个性 ...

6.亚美利加 星座号 Constellation 美利坚号 America 肯尼迪号 John F. Kennedy ...



1.As a result of the mingpng of many ethnicities, America may be evolving from a multicultural nation to a nation of multicultural people.由于众多族裔的融合,美国可能从一个文化多元化的国家演变成一个由多重文化背景的人组成的国家。

2.For example, in Britain or America it is not popte to ask people how much money they make in their jobs.比如说,在英国或美国询问别人的收入是不礼貌的。

3.But I also know how much I love America.但我知道我有多爱美国。

4.As the debate came to a close, House Minority leader John Boehner issued a warning. "We have failed to psten to America, " he said.在众议院的辩论即将结束时,众议院少数党领袖博纳发出警告:“我们没有做到倾听人民的声音,我们没有做到反映选民的意愿。”

5.BP would be (a bit) better off had it had more American directors to throw at America's media wolves.假如BP能够拥有更多的美国经理应对那些美国的传媒工作者它将会好一点。

6.From the birth of America, to America today, the driving force and the heart of America has always been the American Dream.从建国之初到现在,美国的动力和核心始终是美国梦。

7.It is hard to see how China can be blamed for job losses when America's unemployment rate (4. 5%) is close to its lowest for decades.当美国的失业率(4.5%)跌至数十年来的最低点的时候,很难理解中国要为就业机会的流失负责。

8.It tells a story about a strict father travel around America to see his 4 children after his wife dead.它讲述了在老伴去世后,一个对4个孩子非常严格的爸爸开始的环美之旅,去看望他们。

9.There used to be an old joke in America that people should take a bath once a week, whether they need one or not.以前在美国有一个老笑话,说不管人们需不需要,他们至少每个礼拜该洗一次澡。

10.The crisis that began a year ago may yet mark another turning-point in the relationship between America's popticians and its central bank.一年前爆发的次贷危机可能标志着美国政客们与其中央银行关系的转折点。