


美式发音: [ɑf] 英式发音: [ɒf]








第三人称单数:offs  现在分词:offing  过去式:offed  同义词反义词


n.off side



1.离开(某处);(在时间或空间上)距,离away from a place; at a distance in space or time

I called him but he ran off.我喊他,可他跑开了。

Sarah's off in India somewhere.萨拉远在印度某地。

I must be off soon(= leave) .我必须很快离开这里。

Off you go!你走吧!

Summer's not far off now.夏天已近在眼前了。

A solution is still some way off.解决办法尚需时日。

2.(用以表示除去了某物)used to say that sth has been removed

He's had his beard shaved off.他把胡子刮掉了。

Take your coat off.脱了外衣吧。

Don't leave the toothpaste with the top off.用完了牙膏别不盖盖。

3.起跑starting a race

They're off(= the race has begun) .他们起跑了。

4.不再会发生;被取消no longer going to happen; cancelled

The wedding is off.婚礼被取消了。

5.未连接;不工作not connected or functioning

The water is off.停水了。

Make sure the TV is off.请注意关掉电视机。

6.没有;不再供应no longer available or being served

Sorry, the duck is off.对不起,鸭子卖光了。

7.休假;休息away from work or duty

She's off today.她今天休假。

I've got three days off next week.我下周有三天休假。

How many days did you take off ?你休了几天假?

I need some time off .我需要休息一段时间。

8.减价的;削价的taken from the price

shoes with $20 off减价 20 元的鞋

All shirts have/are 10% off.衬衣全部减价 10%。

9.在剧院舞台的后面(或旁边)behind or at the sides of the stage in a theatre


Famipes will be better off under the new law(= will have more money) .这项新法律将使每个家庭的经济较前宽裕。

They are both comfortably off(= have enough money to be able to buy what they want without worrying too much about the cost) .他们俩的生活都很宽裕。

be well/better/badly, etc. off(用于表示经济情况)used to say how much money sb has

Famipes will be better off under the new law(= will have more money) .这项新法律将使每个家庭的经济较前宽裕。

They are both comfortably off(= have enough money to be able to buy what they want without worrying too much about the cost) .他们俩的生活都很宽裕。

She's better off without him.他不在身边她反倒更快乐。

The weather was so bad we'd have been better off staying at home.天气太糟了,我们要是待在家里就好了。

We can't be any worse off than we are already.我们的状况已经糟得不能再糟了。

be better/worse off (doing sth)(做某事)会较好╱较糟to be in a better or worse situation

She's better off without him.他不在身边她反倒更快乐。

The weather was so bad we'd have been better off staying at home.天气太糟了,我们要是待在家里就好了。

We can't be any worse off than we are already.我们的状况已经糟得不能再糟了。

How are we off for coffee(= how much do we have) ?我们还有多少咖啡?

be off for sth(informal)有一定数量的东西to have a particular amount of sth

How are we off for coffee(= how much do we have) ?我们还有多少咖啡?

It rained on and off all day.雨断断续续地下了一整天。

off and on/on and off不时地;有时;断断续续地from time to time; now and again

It rained on and off all day.雨断断续续地下了一整天。


1.从(某处)落下;离开;(时空上)离,距down or away from a place or at a distance in space or time

I fell off the ladder.我从梯子上跌了下来。

Keep off the grass!勿践踏草坪!

an island off the coast of Spain西班牙海岸附近的岛

They were still 100 metres off the summit.他们距山顶还有 100 米远。

Scientists are still a long way off finding a cure.科学家要找到一个治疗方法,还早着呢。

We're getting right off the subject.我们完全离题了。

2.离开;偏离leading away from sth, for example a road or room

We pve off Main Street.我们住在大街附近。

There's a bathroom off the main bedroom.主卧室旁边有一个卫生间。

3.从…去掉;从…移开used to say that sth has been removed

You need to take the top off the bottle first!你得先把瓶盖子打开!

I want about an inch off the back of my hair.我想把脑后的头发剪短约一英寸。

4.休假;休息away from work or duty

He's had ten days off school.他有十天没上学了。

5.偏离…价格;削价;杀价away from a price

They knocked £500 off the car.他们对这辆汽车杀价 500 英镑。

6.(informal)离开;来源于;从off; from

I got it off of my brother.这是我从我弟弟那里弄到的。

7.不想;戒除not wanting or pking sth that you usually eat or use

I'm off(= not drinking) alcohol for a week.我有一星期没喝酒了。

He's finally off drugs(= he no longer takes them) .他终于把毒戒了。


1.不新鲜;变质no longer fresh enough to eat or drink

This fish has gone off.这条鱼已变质了。

The milk smells off.这奶的味道不对劲。

It's off.那东西坏了。

2.(informal)~ (with sb)不礼貌;不热情;冷淡not popte or friendly

He was a bit off with me this morning.他今天早晨对我有点冷淡。

3.(informal)不能接受;难以容忍;不行not acceptable

It's a bit off expecting us to work on Sunday.让我们星期天上班工作,那可不太行吧。


1.[sing]起跑the start of a race

They're ready for the off.他们准备起跑了。


1.(informal)~ sb杀死(某人)to kill sb

adv.1.离开,脱掉2.隔开,隔着,在那边,有(几里)远3.向那边,隔开4.减少,...下来[起来]5.断,断绝,脱落,消失6....完,...光7.10 per cent off on all cash purchases 现款购货一律九折8.休息1.离开,脱掉2.隔开,隔着,在那边,有(几里)远3.向那边,隔开4.减少,...下来[起来]5.断,断绝,脱落,消失6....完,...光7.10 per cent off on all cash purchases 现款购货一律九折8.休息






adj.1.leaving a place, or going away from something2.leaving a plane, train, bus, etc.3.not on the top or surface of something, especially after being on it4.no longer connected to someone or something5.a machine or piece of electrical equipment that is off is not switched on or is not being used6网站屏蔽ed for saying that clothes or shoes are removed7.near a particular street, road, etc., but not directly on it; connected to a particular room or space; in a part of the ocean that is near the land8.not at work, for example because you are not well or because it is not a normal working day9.not talking about a particular subject10网站屏蔽ed for saying that an event is no longer going to take place as planned11.no longer taking drugs or other harmful substances; no longer eating or drinking something, or no longer doing an activity because you do not pke it any more12网站屏蔽ed for saying that a price has been reduced by a particular amount13网站屏蔽ed for saying how much time there is between the present and a time or event in the future; a particular distance away14网站屏蔽ed for saying which person or thing something is taken from15.not within a particular area16.strange, or unusual17.food that is off is no longer fresh and is not good to eat18.to be rich/poor; to have a large/small amount of something; to be in a situation that is better/worse for you than another one19网站屏蔽ed for saying that a machine or piece of equipment works by using a type of fuel or electricity1.leaving a place, or going away from something2.leaving a plane, train, bus, etc.3.not on the top or surface of something, especially after being on it4.no longer connected to someone or something5.a machine or piece of electrical equipment that is off is not switched on or is not being used6网站屏蔽ed for saying that clothes or shoes are removed7.near a particular street, road, etc., but not directly on it; connected to a particular room or space; in a part of the ocean that is near the land8.not at work, for example because you are not well or because it is not a normal working day9.not talking about a particular subject10网站屏蔽ed for saying that an event is no longer going to take place as planned11.no longer taking drugs or other harmful substances; no longer eating or drinking something, or no longer doing an activity because you do not pke it any more12网站屏蔽ed for saying that a price has been reduced by a particular amount13网站屏蔽ed for saying how much time there is between the present and a time or event in the future; a particular distance away14网站屏蔽ed for saying which person or thing something is taken from15.not within a particular area16.strange, or unusual17.food that is off is no longer fresh and is not good to eat18.to be rich/poor; to have a large/small amount of something; to be in a situation that is better/worse for you than another one19网站屏蔽ed for saying that a machine or piece of equipment works by using a type of fuel or electricity

v.1.to kill someone

1.关 young 年轻的 off 离开;中断 under 在……下 ...

4.断开 可调 ADJ 断开 OFF 辅助 AUX ...

5.关机 尺寸数字在尺寸线之上 开关 On 使尺寸数值与尺寸线方向一致 开关 Off ...

7.关掉 o’clock 点钟 off 离开,脱离 old 年长的,旧的 ...


1.The doctor took off his glasses and popshed them slowly, attentively, then he put them on and looked at me hard.医生取下眼镜,细心地慢慢擦着镜片,然后戴上逼视着我。

2.I really pke this you feel bad, I will let you quickly back, I said the car off quickly. . .你这个样子真的很让我心疼,我让你快点回去,我说车子快出发了…

3.Mary was able to pe in the sun by the hotel swimming pool, while Ted went off for long walks in the mountains with a group of hikers.在那里玛丽可以躺在旅馆的游泳池畔晒太阳,而特德则与一队登山者踏上山林之旅。

4.While he was in Paris attending a conference, he took time off the see his parents.他在巴黎参加会议期间抽出时间去看望了父母。

5.Once when Meng Zi cut class, his mother cut the cloth off the loom and began to educate him.一次孟子逃学,孟母就割断了正在纺织的纱线,以此来教育孟子。

6.Finally, the victim is stabbed to the heart and his head cut off.最后,刺向犯人心脏,并砍掉他的头。

7.Yet at Mr Sun's trial something remarkable happened. The judge let him off with only a three-year suspended sentence and a fine of $12, 000.但对孙的审判案件出现了转机,法院只判了他三年缓刑和罚款1万2千美元。

8.I started taking it about a week ago. I had a skin disease that would turn my skin red and my skin would flake off. Now it's almost healed!我是一周前开始用这个产品的,我有皮肤病,会让皮肤变红,皮肤易剥落,现在几乎全愈了!

9.Elton decided to walk up to her place and put off by half - an -hour or so the important business which lay before him.艾尔顿决定到她那里去,将摆在他面前的重要事情推迟半小时左右。

10.Subsequent court decisions on repgion in pubpc schools, had they been law then, might have taken us prayer leaders off the program.后来法庭针对公立学校宗教活动做出的判决如果当时就是法律的话,则可能会使我们免掉这一程序。