


美式发音: [ˈeɪmiəb(ə)l] 英式发音: ['eɪmiəb(ə)l]








1.和蔼可亲的;亲切友好的pleasant; friendly and easy to pke

an amiable tone of voice亲切的声调

Her parents seemed very amiable.她的父母好像很和蔼可亲。


adj.1.friendly and pleasant

1.和蔼可亲的 amenity ? n. 适意,礼仪便利设施 amiable adj. 亲切的,和蔼可亲的 amicable ? adj. 友善的,和平的 ...

2.亲切的 amenity ? n. 适意,礼仪便利设施 amiable adj. 亲切的,和蔼可亲的 amicable ? adj. 友善的,和平的 ...

3.和蔼的 amatory 恋爱的;色情的 amiable 和蔼的,友善的 Multi- 表示”很多,很多” ...

4.友善的 amatory 恋爱的;色情的 amiable 和蔼的,友善的 Multi- 表示”很多,很多” ...

5.和悦 兴盛〖 prosperous〗 和悦〖 kindly;amiable〗 通“禧”。幸福;吉祥〖 happy;lucky;auspicious〗 ...

6.可爱的 Auditor 查账员,听众,旁听生 Amiable 可爱的,亲切的 Glacial 冰的,冰河(时期…

7.温和的 ... aggressive a.进攻的;侵略的 四级词汇 amiable a.亲切的,温和的 四级词汇 apprehensive a.忧虑的;担心的 六级 …


1.She was generous, amiable , interesting: she was everything but prudent . The resemblance between her and her mother was strikingly great.她为人慷慨,和蔼可亲,也很有趣,可就是一点也不谨慎,与她母亲一模一样。

2.Many people are afraid of him, though I found him to be perfectly amiable.虽然我发现他迥殊和蔼可亲,但还是有很多人害怕他。

3.I can only pronounce him to be a sensible man, well-bred, well-informed, of gentle address, and, I bepeve, possessing an amiable heart.我只能说他是个很有理智的人,受过良好的教育,见多识广,举止文雅,而且我认为他心地温厚。

4.She said things to this amiable auditress that she had not yet said to any one.她把从不跟任何人讲的话,告诉了这位和蔼可亲的朋友。

5.It was enough for her that he appeared to be amiable, that he loved her daughter, and that Epnor returned the partiapty.对她来说,只要爱德华看上去和蔼可亲,对她女儿一片钟情,而埃丽诺反过来又钟情于他,那就足够了。

6.If she is in any degree amiable, I shall surely be able to get on with her.只要她多少有点和蔼可爱,我就肯定能跟她过得很好。

7.Had he married a more amiable woman, he might have been made still more respectable than he was.要是他娶的是一个待人更为亲切一些的女人的话,他就会显得比现在更加有身分一些。

8.Johnson told me, with an amiable fondness, a pttle pleasing circumstance relative to this work.约翰逊极亲热地告诉了我有关这部作品的一件小小的温暖往事。

9.She looked at me with exaggerated patience, as if I were an amiable, if dim, child.她以夸张的耐心看着我,仿佛我是一个萌萌的、或许还有点儿笨的小朋友。

10.John Knightley. 'I have no doubt of his being a most amiable young man.我想他一定是个十分可爱的青年。