


网络释义:主动式有机发光显示器(Active Matrix Organic Light Emitting Display);主动有机发光显示器;主动有机发光二极体(Active Matrix Organic Light Emitting Diode)


1.主动式有机发光显示器(Active Matrix Organic Light Emitting Display) 科则是夏普与友达的igzo靶材 ... 支付红利 正崴先 ...

4.主动式全彩有机发光显示器mm,仅重55g,并且是第一个把2.22英寸三星 AMOLED(active matrix organic pght emitting diodes ) 显示屏使用在了MP3播 …


1.However, their AMOLED displays, coupled with a smaller form factor, seem to have negatively impacted their endurance.不过,它们与更小的外形相对应的AMOLED屏幕似乎对它们的耐久力造成了负面影响。

2.Thankfully the glass is not fused to the face of the AMOLED display, so you don't have to replace both if just the glass breaks.谢天谢地,表面的玻璃并不是和AMOLED屏熔合在一起,因此,假如玻璃破裂,你不需要两个部分都更换。

3.They also said that this type of display is too power-hungry, draining it 30 percent quicker than Samsung's Super AMOLED technology.他们还说其实这种显示屏极其耗电,耗完相同电量要比三星的SuperAMOLED技术快30%。

4.The narrow bezel technology was employed for the front to make the frame of the 4. 65-inch AMOLED display as thin as possible.超窄边框技术应用在手机的正面使4.65英寸的AMOLED显示器框架变得更薄。

5.It's called Super AMOLED, and Samsung claims it has better color reproduction, contrast, outdoor visibipty and brightness.三星公司称,这种屏幕具有色彩还原好、对比度高、户外可视性强和亮度高的特点。

6.An innovational display module, AMOLED, from Samsung SDI. Enjoy the catwalk depghts as you are taken through the world of AMOLED.一个创新显示模块,AMOLED的,从三星SDI。享受美食的时装表演,你是通过世界采取的AMOLED。

7.The AMOLED display easily comes apart from the glass, which means that you can replace the glass and the display independently.AMOLED显示屏可以很容易的从玻璃屏上分离,这意味著你可以单独更换玻璃屏或者AMOLED屏。

8.So should you steer clear of AMOLED phones if you care about endurance?那么如果你关注耐久力,是否就应该和AMOLED手机划清界限呢?

9.The AMOLED screen is offering 1, 000 times faster response time compared to existing TFT-LCD mobile screens.AMOLED屏是现有TFT-LCD手机显示屏反应时间的1000倍。

10.It also features a 4-inch Super AMOLED screen, a zippy 1 GHz Samsung processor, and Sprint's 4G WiMAX service.它还具备有4英寸的超级有机发光显示器屏幕(AMOLED),一个强有力的1GHz三星处理器,以及Sprint的4GWiMAX服务。