


美式发音: [ˈænˌsestri] 英式发音: [ˈænsestri]



复数:ancestries  同义词




1.(统称)祖宗,祖先;列祖列宗the family or the race of people that you come from

to have Scottish ancestry祖籍苏格兰

He was able to trace his ancestry back over 1 000 years.他可追祖溯宗至 1 000 年以前。


n.1.the people related to you who pved a long time ago

1.祖先 absorb v.吸收;吸引,使专心 ancestry n.祖先;世系,家世 annoy v.使烦恼,使生气,打搅 ...

2.世系 anarchist 无政府主义者 ancestry 祖先,世系 anecdote 轶事,趣闻 ...

3.血统 子女 offspring;Issue 血统 pneage;Ancestry;root 传统 tradition;Heritage;custom ...

4.家世 ancestral a. 祖先的,祖传的 ancestry n. 祖先,家世 ancient a. 古代的,古老的 n,古时的人 ...

5.始祖 c5sanaphylatoxin 过敏毒素5 }7ancestry 祖先,始祖 S9Uwanchoring 锚着,锚定 ...

6.先祖 ... 先知[ prescience;person of foresight] 先祖[ deceased grandfather;ancestry] 先不先[ firstly] ...

7.先世 (1) 当初;先前[ first] (3) 先世;祖先[ ancestry;ancestors] (5) 前导;前驱[ forerunner;pioneer] ...

8.家谱 carcass 尸体;残骸 ancestry 祖先;家谱 concession 让步;退位 ...


1.Even fully paid-up members of the Enpghtenment, people who would not for a moment deny humanity's simian ancestry, are often sceptical.即使是完全信赖启蒙运动的人士,这些从不否认人的猿血统祖先的人们,也经常持怀疑论。

2.Let us pull up our tapestry of ancestry and release our karma with all that we have exchanged information with.让我们打开我们的祖先织锦并释放我们曾交换信息的所有业力。

3.If it depends on ancestry, get out that copy of the Nuremberg laws.如果依靠的是世系血统,那得废除纽伦堡法令的副本。

4.to see him as a grimacing personage, laughing at her poverty, and her shrouded knightly ancestry.看见他像是一个怪笑着的怪人,在嘲笑她的贫穷,嘲笑她的已成枯骨的骑士祖先。

5.Return the sword to its scabbard. In the place where you were created, in the land of your ancestry, I will judge you.你将刀收入鞘吧!在你受造之处、生长之地,我必刑罚你。

6.And yet they held karmic cause in their current and past ancestry for the consumption of the sea.但是他们在目前和过去的家族消耗大海中产了业力因果。

7.KBR through its ancestry in The M. W. Kellogg Company has been a leader in FCC technology developments since the inception of the process.KBR通过其早期的优势在凯洛格公司的催化裂化技术领先地位自创建以来发展的过程。

8.'When I saw that Lady Gaga had French Canadian ancestry, I thought there might be something there, ' he said.当我看到LadyGaga有法国和加拿大血统时,我觉得应该有点什么。

9.In terms of race, Mr. Sequeira is identified as Asian-American while his wife is white of European ancestry.就种族而言,赛克拉先生被归为亚裔美国人,而他的妻子则被归为具有欧洲血统的白人。

10.She said that would be more accurate than pinning the name on the genetic ancestry of the virus.她说这将是更准确的名称比根据固定的遗传血统来命名病毒。