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un.1.largest Greek island in the southern Aegean Sea. The chief town is Heraklion.

1.克里特岛 科孚岛( Corfu) 克利特岛( Crete) 特尔斐( Delphi) ...

3.哩底 ... 其他( OTHER) 化作白牛,将其劫至克里特岛 Crete, 的妻子,帕里斯 Paris, ...


1.It may be, however, that the enemy is only feinting at Crete, and will be going farther east.但是,敌人或许只是佯攻克里特岛,而实则将越过该岛向东推进。

2.At this time the city of Athens was bothered by the respect it had promised to pay to King Minos of Crete .那段时间,雅典城一直为自己曾许诺向克里特国王米诺斯进贡一事而困扰不安。

3.Early evening return to the ship where dinner and show will await you as you later sail for Crete.晚上返船享用晚餐,并出发驶往克里特岛。

4.We have no certain details of a visit by Paul to Crete , except that his ship touched there on his journey to Rome.圣经并没有记载保罗到访革哩底的详情,我们只知道他被押送到罗马途中经过革哩坚。

5.Application: Used for sand casting mould workshop, repairing the lining of steel making furnace and impacting the con crete on building.用途:适用于砂型成型的铸件车间、炼钢和炼铁炉衬的修补以及建筑场所的混凝土捣固作业。

6.Over 4000 of them boarded passenger liners bound to Crete Island of Greece and over 400 got to Egypt by land.其中4000多人乘坐大型邮轮赴希腊克里特岛,400多人经陆路撤至埃及。

7.We have had the honour of hosting in Creta Maris many official Chinese delegations visiting Crete. Among them, Mr.我们有幸在白垩玛丽斯接待了诸多莅临克里特岛的中国代表团。

8.Fear we must recognize that Crete is no longer tenable and that troops must be withdrawn as far as possible.恐怕我们必须承认,克里特岛不能再守下去,部队必须尽量撤出。

9.Soon thereafter as part of the Atlantic Fleet Marine Force (FMF), he was gravely injured in a helicopter crash on the island of Crete.很快其后作为大西洋舰载海军陆战队的一部分,他们排的直升机在克里特岛失事了。

10.For more energetic visitors, Crete boasts one of Europe's finest mountain hikes, down the Samaria Gorge.对精力旺盛的旅客来说,克里特岛更拥有欧洲最棒的山间健行步道之一,就沿着萨马利亚峡谷前进。