


美式发音: [ˈdʌmpstər] 英式发音: [ˈdʌmpstə(r)]






1.大垃圾桶(装工地废料、垃圾等,由卡车拖走)a large open container for putting old bricks, rubbish/garbage, etc. in. The Dumpster is then loaded on a lorry/truck and taken away.

na.1.a very large metal container used in the construction industry for waste. It is carried away by a truck when it is full.

1.垃圾箱 Temporary Power 临时供电 Dumpster 垃圾箱 Framing 房屋结构 ...

2.垃圾罐 ... coercive adj. 强制的, 强迫的 dumpster 垃圾罐 accreditation n. 委派, 信赖, 鉴定合格 ...

3.大垃圾箱 Rubble 废墟 Dumpster 大垃圾箱 Osteoporosis 骨质酥松 ...

4.垃圾大铁桶 ... scene: 场 dumpster: 垃圾大铁桶 file off: 归档 ...

5.大型垃圾桶 high-end 吸引内行人的、内行的 dumpster 大型垃圾桶 quotation 引用语 ...

6.大型垃圾箱 ... 27. get swoop,swoop 是猛然下降,攫取的意思 28. dumpster 大型垃圾箱 29. diaper 婴儿尿布 ...

7.垃圾车 ... hammer: 锤子 dumpster: 垃圾车 lot: 一堆 ...


1.But he said you'd want to talk with him. Something about a dumpster.行,可那家伙说你想跟他谈,是关于垃圾箱的事。

2."I'm going to have to start charging you guys, " he said to the curious crowd gathered around the Dumpster, snapping photos.他对那些好奇围观在垃圾桶周围,努力拍照的人们说:“再不走我就收参观费了。”

3."No job is guaranteed, so I live as if I could be fired at any time. " Manhattan, she said, is a gold mine for Dumpster divers.“没有哪个工作是铁饭碗,所以我以这样的方式过活,这样就算是被解雇了我也有所准备。”她说对于以捡垃圾为生的人们,曼哈顿是一座金矿。

4.Today, I had to take out the trash at work and I kept trying to throw it in the dumpster. After five tries I finally made it in.今天,我负责倒垃圾,我一直试图把垃圾扔进去,在五次尝试之后,我终于搞定了。

5.Well, I'd say "Hug the walls, " If I could see them. Goat trails seem to be our only option. Unless you're into Dumpster diving.要是还能看到墙的话当然是靠墙走现在,看来我们只能自辟小径了。除非你喜欢翻垃圾。

6.If something isn't perfect, if it does line up with that premeditated model, dumpster.如果有什么东西不完美,如果跟预期的模型吻合,扔掉。

7.Even in baidu search engine, it seemed, and no one joy take a business application, independent template to construction dumpster?纵然在百度搜索引擎看来,也没有人乐得拿商业程序,独立的模板去建设垃圾站吧?。

8.Put your head down in front of this garage. Under that dumpster is a big pile of money.你低头看车库前面,在那个垃圾桶下面有一大撂钞票。

9.Today, while at work as an outdoor security guard, I was scared stiff by the noise made by a cat caught in a dumpster. FML.今天我在上班,做门外保安,被一只困在垃圾桶里的猫发出的声音吓到了。FML。

10.We immediately put these pieces in a plastic bag and threw them into a dumpster.如果有,我们会立即把它装进塑料袋,然后丢到垃圾箱里。