





2.孟迭司 ... Mycale 米卡列 Mendes 孟迭司 Mycenaeans 迈锡尼人 ...

3.门德人 Mazenderans 马曾德兰人 Mendes 门德人 Mexicans 墨西哥人 ...

4.迪斯好的治疗效果。世卫组织慢性病预防和管理处负责人曼迪斯(Mendes)女士呼吁:「只要改变一下生活方式,就能预防心脏病 …

5.马斯切洛尼 Fra Tanta Gente - Casarini,Pavarotti( 卡沙力尼:在人群中) Fiorin Fiorello - Mascheroni;Mendes( 马斯切洛尼:花中花) ...

6.文迪斯 路斯基 Rosicky 文迪斯 Mendes 柏斯基尔 Pasqual ...

7.曼德兹住在西温莎市3年多的曼德兹Mendes)一家,母语为英文和葡萄牙语,在儿子两岁时就打定主意让儿子学中文。去年儿子4岁 …


1.Tiago Mendes was a disastrous flop last term and is of interest to both Monaco and Atletico Madrid, but they only want him on loan.蒂亚戈。门迭斯在上个赛季的表现非常失败,摩纳哥和马德里竞技都对他很感兴趣,但这两家俱乐部只想租借他。

2.Mendes is hoping to pay for her to go to a boarding school, where she could get an education and be safe.门德斯小姐希望给她掏钱上一所寄宿学校,在那里弗拉马图既可以接受教育,又感到安全。

3.Sergio Mendes ensured that the international image of Brazil was still that of an easy-going, exotic paradise.塞尔吉奥·门德斯确保巴西的国际形象仍然是一种随和的、奇异的天堂。

4.In his military uniform, he walked slightly or quickly around the side of the swimming pool where Eva Mendes has once swam naked.他穿着军装,迈着轻快的步伐从伊娃•门德斯曾经裸泳过的游泳池旁边走过来。

5.Juventus midfield outcast Tiago Mendes could be set for an immediate exit after he moved out of his house in Turin.在搬离了都灵的住所后,尤文图斯中场弃将蒂亚戈。门迭斯斑有可能会很快离开斑马军团。

6.Even Mendes herself thinks it's odd. Why is she considered too dark to be paired with a white lead, but just right for an African-American?就连曼德斯本人都感到有点奇怪,为何片商觉得她太黑,不能和白人男主角搭配,配黑人男主角却刚刚好?

7.Ms. Mendes and I had just arrived here in West Africa to collaborate on a PBS documentary on some inspiring women around the world.我和曼迪斯女士来到西非是为了一起合作完成拍摄美国公共广播公司的纪录片,关于记录在全世界范围内一些鼓舞人心的女性事迹。

8.Juve are currently looking for a new midfielder after last summer's additions Sergio Almiron and Tiago Mendes failed to make an impression.由于去年夏天蒂亚戈+阿尔米隆组合的失败,尤文目前正在寻找一名中场球员。

9.When he picked up the novel after first reading the script, Mr. Mendes recalled, he found it compelling.山姆曼德斯记得,第一次看过剧本后拿起小说来看,就觉得非常吸引人。

10.Her husband Sam Mendes, who directed "Revolutionary Road" , gave her a kiss of congratulations (see cover).她的丈夫、《革命之路》的导演萨姆·门德斯对她表示祝贺,并献上深情一吻(见封面)。