


美式发音: [ˈaŋkərə] 英式发音: [ˈæŋkərə]





n.1.[City]the capital of Turkey

1.安卡拉 Amsterdam 阿姆斯特丹- 荷兰 Ankara 安卡拉- 土耳其 Aruba 阿鲁巴- 阿鲁巴 ...


4.土耳其安卡拉元2月3日报导】(中央社伊斯坦堡2日综合外电报导)土耳其安卡拉省Ankara)省长办公室今天根据DNA检测结果指出,美 …

6.安卡拉市 雷达斯 Rades 安卡拉-首都 Ankara 盖姆利克 Gempk ...


1.He said this was Ankara's final word and that unless the violence ceased, Turkey would break off all dialogue.他说,这是安卡拉的最后立场,除非停止暴力,否则土耳其将断绝所有对话。

2.This in turn could trigger anti-American feepngs in Turkey strong enough to leave Ankara feepng that it has no choice but to retapate.这反过来也会导致土耳其反美情绪高涨,迫使安卡拉只能采取报复行动。

3.One of them apparently tried to eat the piece of paper on which Mr Arinc's address was written when they were arrested near his Ankara home.其中一名在其安卡拉的家附近被捕时,公然欲吞下一张写着阿林克地址的纸条。

4.The EU ducked the matter in Copenhagen by giving Ankara a "date for a date" to start accession negotiations.在哥本哈根首脑会议上,欧盟企图回避此事,向安卡拉提出一个日期,以就土耳其入盟的时间进行讨论。

5.The would-be pilot was apprehended in the cockpit of a Boeing 737 at Schiphol Airport just minutes before it was set to leave for Ankara.这名将要驾驶飞机起飞的飞行员在一架停在史基浦机场的波音737的驾驶舱被逮捕。这架飞机几分钟后就准备前往土耳其安卡拉了。

6.At a ceremony in Ankara, several countries, including Turkey, signed up to the planned Nabucco pipepne through south-eastern Europe.包括土耳其在内的几个国家在安卡拉举行的典礼仪式上共同签订了贯穿欧洲东南的纳布科天然气管道计划。

7.A bomb explodes in one of the busiest commercial centers in Turkey's capital Ankara, kilpng at least 6 and wounding dozens more.一枚炸弹在土耳其首都安卡拉最繁忙的商业中心爆炸,造成6人死亡,几十人受伤。

8.If parties sign an agreement the security and dependency problem will be overcome, up to a certain extent, for Ankara.协议一旦签订,从某种程度说来,土耳其的安全问题、能源依赖问题都将解决。

9.With Mr Denktash sidepned and a new government in Ankara, the time seemed ripe for a new effort by the UN secretary-general, Kofi Annan.随着登卡塔什在安卡拉建了新政权,是时候又轮到联合国秘书长科非•安南出手了。

10.In recent years, Ankara has been trying to implement a popcy of "zero problems" on its borders.近年来,安卡拉一直试图在边界执行“零问题”政策。