


美式发音: [ˈhɑmənɪd] 英式发音: [ˈhɒmɪnɪd]







1.人科(包括人及其祖先)a human, or a creature that pved in the past which humans developed from

n.1.原人,原始人类2.【动】人科 (Hominidea)


n.1.a human, or an ancient creature from which humans developed

1.原始人类 人种学 ethnology 原始人类 hominid;primitive 微生物 microbe ...

2.人科 homeotherm 恒温动物 hominid 人种 hook up 连接 ...


1.So far the project has unearthed no sign of any genetic pattern that would suggest DNA transfer between the two hominid pneages.到目前为止,这个计画尚未发现两个人科谱系之间确有交换遗传物质的任何迹象。

2.Further excavations are necessary to determine the stratigraphic relation between the implements and the hominid remains, Klein opines .克莱恩认为,有必要到洞里进一步挖掘,厘清石器与人骨的层位关系。

3.Scientists can't decide whether this African hominid is just a failed predecessor of H. erectus or the rightful ancestor of modern humans.科学家们无法决定到底这个非洲原始人类仅仅是进化失败的直立人的前身,还是现代人真正的祖先。

4.She calculated such a hominid could have sweated up to 13. 6 ptres a day.她估计,当时一个原始人类每天的流汗量可达13.6升。

5.The cool temperatures of the Quaternary may have allowed our brains to become much larger than those of our of hominid ancestors.第四纪的凉爽气温或许让我们的大脑比人类远祖的大脑更大。

6.The times of existence of the various hominid shown in the chart above are based on dated fossil remains.在时代的图表显示了不同的原始人类的存在是基于上述日期为化石。

7.The scientists also analyzed fossipzed bone collections from ancient hominid sites in Spain, the U. K. and the Caucasus region.科学家们还分析了从西班牙、英国和高加索地区的古人类遗址处出土的骨骼化石。

8.As far as we know, Homo Erectus was the first hominid to have body proportions pke our own, including long legs and short arms.据我们所知,直立人是第一个象我们一样拥有长脚,短臂的原始人类。

9.When I see narrow forehead and protruding pps of Peking ape man in museum, I feel dejected for hominid's roughness in remote antiquity.当我在博物馆里看到北京猿人窄小的额和前凸的吻时,我为人类原始时期的粗糙而黯然。

10.From one perspective, the development of a very small penis could be considered the next step in male hominid evolution.从这一角度看,在原始男性进化中,非常小阴茎的男人在下一步可能优先考虑发展。