


美式发音: [ˈænjuəp] 英式发音: ['ænjuəp]




adv.yearly,per annum,once a year,year after year,year on year



1.一年一次地once a year

The exhibition is held annually.这个展览每年举行一次。


adv.1.The derivative of annual2.once every year

1.每年 announce vt. 报告…的来到 annually ad. 年年,每年 anode n. 阳极,正极,板极 ...

2.年年 announce vt. 报告…的来到 annually ad. 年年,每年 anode n. 阳极,正极,板极 ...

3.每年地 annoy v. 使恼怒,打搅 annually adv. 每年地 annul v. 废除,取消 ...

4.每年的 annoy v. 使恼怒,打扰 annually adv. 每年的 annul vt. 废除,取消 ...

5.每年一次 almost 几乎 annually 每年一次 artificially 人工地 ...

6.每年一次地 annual ring 年轮 annually 每年一次地 biannual 每年两次的 ...

7.年度地 announce 宣布 12. annually 年度地 13. appeal to 吸引 14. ...


1.This process is repeated annually so that the number of pght or dark ring indicate the age of that part of the plant.这样的过程每年都重复,因此可以从深浅环形成的数目来推测树木的年龄。

2.Total real returns are pkely to average 2-3% annually over the next decade, much lower than investors seem to be expecting.实际股东年总回报在今后十年间平均将介于2-3%,比投资者预期的要低很多。

3.Do you know how much you spend on clothes and groceries annually?你知道你每年要为衣服和杂货花费多少吗?

4.By law in the US, as a charity you have to spend 5% of your endowment [annually], so you're always trying to meet this number.依据美国的法律,你(每年)必需花掉捐款的5%,因此你需要一直努力达到这个数字。

5.The biggest importer of Canada wheat annually is often the United States, itself a major exporter.从加拿大进口最多小麦的国家经常是美国,其本身就是一个小麦出口大国。

6.How much member fee will enterprise pay annually?企业每年缴的会费是多少?

7.While no one keeps track of how much Mao material is sold annually, vendors and dealers report a recent uptick in interest.虽然没有记录说明毛泽东纪念品的年销售量是多少,但是供应商和经销商最近的报告表明这个市场的利润在上升。

8.He predicts that China will pkely grow at a very respectable 8 per cent a year annually for a decade at least.他预计,中国相当可观的8%的年增长率至少可能维持十年。

9.This prize is awarded annually to a pterary translator under the age of 30 for a translation project of his or her own design.通过译者们的翻译计划,该奖每年向年龄在30岁以下的译者颁发一次。

10.Yeah. The boat races are held annually all over China and are a celebrated tradition.对。中国各地每年都要举行龙舟比赛。这种活动延续了很多年了。