


美式发音: [ˈhʌndrəd] 英式发音: ['hʌndrəd]

num.一百;许多;大量;100 到 999 间的数目



复数:hundreds  hundred显示所有例句num.


One hundred (of the children) have already been placed with foster famipes.有一百名(儿童)已经获安排领养。

There were just a hundred of them there.他们那里只有一百人。

This vase is worth several hundred dollars.这只花瓶值几百元。

She must be over a hundred(= a hundred years old) .她肯定有一百多岁了。

Hundreds of thousands of people are at risk.有几十万人正处于危险中。

a hundred-year lease一百年的租约

2.许多;大量a large amount

hundreds of miles away数百里之遥

for hundreds of years几百年来

If I've said it once, I've said it a hundred times.这事我曾经说过,而且是说过很多次了。

I have a hundred and one things to do.我有一大堆事情要做。

Men died in their hundreds.大批的人死亡。

3.[pl]100 到 999 间的数目;百位数the numbers from 100 to 999

We're talking about a figure in the low hundreds.我们谈论的是一个两三百的数字。

4.[pl]某个世纪的年代the years of a particular century

the early nineteen hundreds(= written ‘early 1900s’)20 世纪早期

5.one, two, three, etc. ~ hours(表示 24 小时制的整点)一点整、两点整、三点整等used to express whole hours in the 24-hour system

twelve hundred hours(= 12.00, midday)十二点整




n.1.a piece of paper money worth 100 dollars

na.1.the number 1002.a very large number or amount of people or things

例句释义:,一百,许多,大量,100 到 999 间的数目,数以百计,〈美〉一百元,一百岁,很多

1.He made only a few hundred renminbi a year.他一年只赚几百元人民币。

2.Love, a hundred years of cultivation with the boat, spend the dependency, old age conjugal bpss.爱情,百年修得同船渡,相依相守,白头偕老。

3.Rough calculation, each about the winning or losing a hundred or so, and the pressure of each injection, lottery time just a few minutes.粗略算来,每一把输赢大概在一百元左右,而每把的压注、开奖时间仅仅几分钟而已。

4.The price for that camera is at least five hundred dollars.那台相机的价格至少要五百美金。

5.And break it out, and walk off with it for a hundred yards? " demanded Matthewson, a Bonanza king, he of the seven hundred vaunt. "“能拉得动,并且走一百码吗?”吹说自己的狗能拉七百磅的家伙,博内扎的一个金矿大王,马修斯追问。

6.At least 1, 400 Syrians are reckoned to have died so far; some say several hundred members of the security forces have also been killed.迄今为止,至少有1.400名叙利亚民众丧生,几百名安全部队人员死亡。

7.Her bones shall be laid to rest in the Temple of the Graces, and a hundred candles shall burn day and night in her memory.她的遗骨会安息在恩泽之庙中,一百根蜡烛会日夜不停的燃烧以纪念她。

8.So he said he'd sell me one for twenty dollars. A four-hundred-dollar camera for twenty bucks.所以他卖我一台二十美元。四百美元的摄像机卖二十美元。

9.When he returned home and told the magician the full story, the magician got so angry that he gave him a hundred blows.当他回去把这整件事告诉魔术师时,魔术师气得打了他一百下。

10.If it is small, a few hundred thousand so-called may not be resolved, but if this point?如果是小的{##**$$}一千几百可以解决或许没所谓,但如果大点的呢?